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File #: 080715.    Version: Name: Eastside Redevelopment Area Expansion, Study Area 3 (B)
Type: Staff Recommendation Status: Passed
File created: 8/6/2009 In control: City Manager
On agenda: Final action: 8/6/2009
Title: Eastside Redevelopment Area Expansion, Study Area 3 (B) This item authorizes staff to develop and execute a contract with WilsonMiller to conduct and prepare a study to determine whether or not Slum or Blight, as defined by state statutes, exists in the area that includes the Sperry Heights Subdivision and the area bounded by NE 3rd Avenue, NE 5th Avenue, NE 11th Street, and NE 12th Street.
Attachments: 1. 080715_Map Study Area 3_20080115.pdf, 2. 080715_Area 3_MOD_PPT_20080115.PDF, 3. 080715_Maps_20090806.pdf
Eastside Redevelopment Area Expansion, Study Area 3 (B)

This item authorizes staff to develop and execute a contract with WilsonMiller to conduct and prepare a study to determine whether or not Slum or Blight, as defined by state statutes, exists in the area that includes the Sperry Heights Subdivision and the area bounded by NE 3rd Avenue, NE 5th Avenue, NE 11th Street, and NE 12th Street.

On January 15, 2009, the City Commission heard and accepted a Slum/Blight Findings Study from Consultant WilsonMiller. The study indicated that conditions in Subject Property 3, shown on the attached map, did not meet the statutory definition of Slum or Blight. At that time, the Commission directed staff to study properties adjacent to and near Subject Property 3, to determine the viability of a Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) expansion in a larger area. If staff found such an expansion viable, the Commission authorized staff to negotiate with WilsonMiller to determine the costs and timeframes to complete a new Slum/Blight Findings Study.

The WilsonMiller Report indicates that Study Area 3 meets only one part of the State's two part test to determine whether or not an area contains blight. The part of the process that Study Area 3 fails to meet requires that the area must contain a “substantial number of deteriorated or deteriorating structures.”

Planning staff conducted a windshield survey to determine whether or not there may be deteriorated or deteriorating structures (or infrastructure) near Study Area 3. Staff also looked at the concentration of deteriorated or deteriorating structures. The attached map shows the results of the windshield survey. Those results indicate that the concentration of deteriorated or deteriorating structures decreases to the west of Study Area 3. To the north, however, the concentration increases if the Sperry Heights Subdivision, along the existing Eastside Area boundary, is included. North of the ...

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