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Meeting Name: City Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/18/2015 1:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall Auditorium
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
150027. 1  Staff RecommendationAuthorization for Sidewalk Construction at NW 23rd Terrace and NW 34th Boulevard (B) This item is a request for the City Commission to approve the guaranteed maximum price of $592,300 for the sidewalk construction contract with Parrish-McCall Constructors.Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
150030. 1  Staff RecommendationSupport for Florida Department of Environmental Protection Grant for Depot Park Monitoring (B) This item is a request for the City Commission approval to accept a grant, if awarded from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP).Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
150043. 1  Staff RecommendationApplication for Disability Retirement for Deborah J. Semarge (NB) Disability retirement application for Deborah J. Semarge, Account Clerk II, GRU - Accounts Payable for 8.50 years, who has been under the care of a physician for medical reasons.Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
150061. 1  Staff RecommendationCity Commission Minutes (B)Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
130276. 4 Public Records/Clerk's OfficeStaff RecommendationPublic Records/Clerk's Office (B)Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
130131. 5 Mayor Ed Braddy - Public Records Request (NB)Staff RecommendationPublic Records Request (B)Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
140828. 4 Legal Shield BenefitStaff RecommendationLegalShield (B)Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
140740. 3 Hiring vendors/workers at fairs/eventsStaff RecommendationHiring Vendors/Workers at Fairs/Events (NB) This item provides a report from the Recreation, Cultural Affairs and Public Works Committee regarding the process of hiring vendors/workers at fairs/events.Approved as Recommended  Action details Not available
150029. 1  Staff RecommendationAppointments to the Development Review Board (B)   Action details Not available
150033. 1  Discussion ItemEmergency Management Coordination for the City of Gainesville (B) This item requests the City Commission hear a presentation on the Coordination of Emergency Management for the City of Gainesville. **ESTIMATED STAFF PRESENTATION 15 MINUTES**Heard  Action details Not available
150036. 1  Discussion ItemFlorida Institute for Workforce Innovation Lease Agreement (B) This item is a request for the City Commission to approve a lease agreement with the Florida Institute for Workforce Innovation, a Florida non-profit corporation d/b/a Institute for Workforce .Approved as AmendedPass Action details Not available
150037. 1  Discussion ItemCampus Development Agreement (B) This is an update on the University of Florida Campus Development Agreement (CDA) and the status of Campus Master Plan (B) **ESTIMATED STAFF PRESENTATION 10 MINUTES**Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
150062. 2  Discussion ItemProposed Modifications to Fire Fees (B) This item requests the City Commission hear a presentation on proposed modifications to fire fees in Appendix A Schedule of Fees, Rates, and Charges for the City of Gainesville and to provide direction to staff for implementation of the modifications to coincide with development of the FY16 budget. **ESTIMATED STAFF PRESENTATION 15 MINUTES**Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
150032. 1  Discussion ItemFY 2015-2016 Funding Recommendations for the Community Grant Program (B) The City Commission is requested to consider approval of the City’s State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) funding recommendations for allocating the FY 2015-2016 Community Grant Program funds.Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
150045. 1  Discussion ItemFY 2015-2016 Funding Recommendations and Annual Action Plan (Application) for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) Funds (B) The City Commission is asked to consider recommendations for allocating CDBG and HOME funds for FY 2015-2016 and to authorize the submission of an Annual Action Plan (Application) to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) based on the funding allocations that are approved by the City Commission.Approved as Amended  Action details Not available
140741. 4  OrdinanceVehicles For Hire Ordinance (B) Ordinance No. 140741 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the Code of Ordinances relating to vehicles for hire; by amending in its entirety Article I. Motorized Vehicles of Chapter 28, Vehicles for Hire; by amending Section 2-339 of Chapter 2 to provide civil penalties for vehicle for hire violations; and by amending Appendix A - Schedule of Fees, Rates and Charges to provide fees for vehicles for hire; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.Discussed  Action details Not available
150046. 1  ResolutionQualified Target Industry (QTI) Resolution - CyberSponse, Inc. (B) This item seeks City Commission approval for a QTI Resolution associated with prospective job creation for the location within the City of Gainesville of CyberSponse, Inc., a cybersecurity software company.Adopted (Resolution) and Approved the RecommendationPass Action details Not available
140296. 4 Future Living Wage AppropriationsDiscussion ItemLiving Wages for City Employees (B) Discussion of the City’s Living Wage.Adopted on First Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
140692. 2  OrdinanceTEXT CHANGE - ROOFTOP SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SYSTEMS (B) Ordinance No. 140692; Petition No. PB-14-156 TCH An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the Land Development Code relating to rooftop solar photovoltaic power systems; by amending Section 30-23 to add a definition; by amending Section 30-343 to allow rooftop solar photovoltaic power systems in all zoning districts; and by amending Section 30-112 to provide regulations for installation of such systems on structures on the local register of historic places; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.Approved (Petition) and Adopted on First Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
140571 2  OrdinanceCONSOLIDATED POLICE OFFICERS AND FIREFIGHTERS RETIREMENT PLAN ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS (B) Ordinance No. 140571 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending Chapter 2, Article VII, Division 8 (Consolidated Police Officers and Firefighters Retirement Plan) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Gainesville; amending Section 2-600(k), Deferred Retirement Option Program, to increase the time period for DROP eligibility for members with vested service in the City of Gainesville Employees Pension Plan; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
140800. 2  OrdinanceQUASI-JUDICIAL - HISTORIC PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION - 712 NE 3rd AVENUE (B) Ordinance No. 140800 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, finding that property located at 712 NE 3rd Avenue, Gainesville, Florida, as more specifically described in this ordinance, qualifies for an ad valorem tax exemption for historic properties; granting an exemption from ad valorem tax for certain improvements beginning January 1, 2016, and continuing for 10 years under certain conditions; authorizing the Mayor and the Clerk of the Commission to sign the Historic Preservation Property Tax Exemption Covenant between the property owner and the City; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
140576. 2  OrdinanceQUASI-JUDICIAL - PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT - OAK HAMMOCK (B) Ordinance No. 140576; Petition No. PB-14-132 PDA An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the Zoning Map Atlas by rezoning to Planned Development District (PD) approximately 136 acres of property known as "Oak Hammock at the University of Florida" that is generally located south of SW Williston Road at 5100 SW 25th Boulevard, as more specifically described in this ordinance; adopting development conditions and a PD report with PD maps; providing for enforcement; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
140693. 3  OrdinanceCOMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT - HISTORIC PRESERVATION MAP SERIES (B) Ordinance No. 140693; Petition No. PB-14-166 LUC An ordinance amending the Historic Preservation Map Series in the Future Land Use Element of the City of Gainesville Comprehensive Plan by deleting the five historic district maps and replacing with five new historic district maps; providing directions to the City Manager; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance) and Approved the RecommendationPass Action details Not available
140379. 3  OrdinanceLAND USE CHANGE - DEERHAVEN GENERATING STATION AREA (B) Ordinance No. 140379; Petition No. PB-14-73 LUC An ordinance amending the Future Land Use Map of the City of Gainesville Comprehensive Plan by changing the land use category of approximately 2,327.59 acres of property that is generally located west of State Road 121 and north and east of the GRU Deerhaven Generating Station, as more specifically described in this ordinance, from Alachua County Rural/Agriculture (AG) to City of Gainesville Public and Institutional Facilities (PF); providing directions to the City Manager; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance) and Approved the RecommendationPass Action details Not available
140380. 3  OrdinanceQUASI-JUDICIAL - REZONING - GRU DEERHAVEN GENERATING STATION AREA (B) Ordinance No. 140380; Petition No. PB-14-74 ZON An ordinance amending the Zoning Map Atlas of the City of Gainesville, Florida, by rezoning approximately 2,327.59 acres of property that is generally located west of State Road 121 and north and east of the GRU Deerhaven Generating Station, as more specifically described in this ordinance, from Alachua County Agriculture District (A) to City of Gainesville Public Services and Operations District (PS); providing directions to the City Manager; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
140695. 3  OrdinanceLAND USE CHANGE - NORTH OF MORNINGSIDE NATURE PARK (B) Ordinance No. 140695; Petition No. PB-14-162 LUC An ordinance amending the Future Land Use Map of the City of Gainesville Comprehensive Plan by changing the land use category of approximately 97.8 acres of property that is generally located north of Morningside Nature Center, as more specifically described in this ordinance, from Alachua County Institutional (INST) to City of Gainesville Conservation (CON); providing directions to the City Manager; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance) and Approved the RecommendationPass Action details Not available
140697. 3  OrdinanceQUASI-JUDICIAL - REZONING - NORTH OF MORNINGSIDE NATURE PARK (B) Ordinance No. 140697; Petition No. PB-14-163 ZON An ordinance amending the Zoning Map Atlas of the City of Gainesville, Florida, by rezoning approximately 97.8 acres of property that is generally located north of Morningside Nature Center, as more specifically described in this ordinance, from Alachua County Agriculture (A) to City of Gainesville Conservation District (CON); providing directions to the City Manager; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.Adopted on Final Reading (Ordinance)Pass Action details Not available
140817. 2  OrdinanceCOMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT - DELETE CERTAIN EXISTING AND CREATE NEW LAND USE CATEGORIES IN FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT AND UPDATE TRANSPORTATION MOBILITY ELEMENT (B) Ordinance No. 140817 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Gainesville by deleting certain existing and creating new land use categories in the Future Land Use Element and by updating the Transportation Mobility Element to coordinate with the revisions to the Future Land Use Element, as more specifically described in this ordinance; amending Objective 4.1 and Policy 4.1.1 of the Future Land Use Element to delete certain existing land use categories and create new land use categories; amending Policy 4.3.7 of the Future Land Use Element relating to the Urban Village; amending Objective 4.6 and Policy 4.6.1 of the Future Land Use Element relating to consistency between land use categories and zoning districts; amending Objective 10.3 and its policies of the Transportation Mobility Element relating to design standards within the Transportation Mobility Program AreApproved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
140818 2  OrdinanceTEXT CHANGE - COMPREHENSIVE REVISION TO THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE Ordinance No. 140818 An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, comprehensively revising the Land Development Code (Chapter 30 of the City of Gainesville Code of Ordinances) by deleting the entirety of the existing text and adopting new text to delete certain existing zoning districts and special area plans, to create new zoning districts with associated regulations, and to reorganize, update, and clarify the text of the Land Development Code; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.Approved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
140819. 2  OrdinanceLAND USE CHANGE - AMEND FUTURE LAND USE MAP BY CHANGING LAND USE CATEGORIES FOR APPROXIMATELY 1,829 ACRES OF PROPERTY (B) Ordinance No. 140819 An ordinance amending the Future Land Use Map of the City of Gainesville Comprehensive Plan by changing the land use categories of approximately 1,829 acres of property, as more specifically described in this ordinance, each property of which is being changed from either Mixed-Use High-Intensity (MUH), Urban Mixed-Use 1 (UMU-1), Urban Mixed-Use 2 (UMU-2), Mixed-Use Residential (MUR), Residential High-Density (RH), Mixed-Use Low-Intensity (MUL), Mixed-Use Medium-Intensity (MUM), Public and Institutional Facilities (PF), Office (O), Residential Low-Density (RL), Residential Medium-Density (RM), Commercial (C), Single-Family (SF), or Industrial (I) TO Education (E), Office (O), Commercial (C), Urban Core (UC), Urban Mixed-Use High-Intensity (UMUH), Urban Mixed-Use (UMU), Mixed-Use Office/Residential (MOR), or Residential Low-Density (RL), as more specifically described in this ordinance; providing directions to the City Manager; providing a sApproved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
140820. 2  OrdinanceLEGISLATIVE REZONING - AMEND ZONING MAP ATLAS BY REMOVING SPECIAL AREA PLANS AND REZONING APPROXIMATELY 1,829 ACRES OF PROPERTY (B) Ordinance No. 140820 An ordinance amending the Zoning Map Atlas of the City of Gainesville, Florida, by deleting the Special Area Plan for NW 39th Avenue overlay zoning district; deleting the Special Area Plan for Triangle overlay zoning district; deleting the Special Area Plan for College Park overlay zoning district; deleting the Special Area Plan for Traditional City overlay zoning district; deleting the Special Area Plan for Central Corridors overlay zoning district; deleting the Special Area Plan for University Heights overlay zoning district; deleting the Special Area Plan for Southwest 13th Street overlay zoning district; deleting the Special Area Plan for Southeast Gainesville Renaissance Initiative Area overlay zoning district; rezoning approximately 1,829 acres of property FROM one of the following zoning districts: Single-Family Residential (RSF-1), Single-Family Residential (RSF-3), Single-Family Residential (RSF-4), Residential Low-DensiApproved as RecommendedPass Action details Not available
140840. 4 Underage Drinking OrdinanceDiscussion ItemUnderage Drinking Ordinance (B) This item requests the City Commission to hear a presentation on proposed changes to the Underage Drinking Ordinance and provide City staff with guidance. **ESTIMATED PRESENTATION TIME: 15 MINUTES**ReferredPass Action details Not available
150072. 1 Mayor Ed Braddy - City Hall Relocation (NB)Discussion ItemMayor Ed Braddy - City Hall Relocation (NB)ReferredPass Action details Not available
150074. 1  Discussion ItemAugust 10th Joint Meeting (NB)Approved, as shown abovePass Action details Not available
150064. 1 Rules of the City Commission (B)Discussion ItemRules of the City Commission (B)ReferredPass Action details Not available

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