Gainesville Police Department BAR CLOSING REPORT Public Safety Committee DRAFT #040424 Norman B. Botsford Chief of Police Thursday April 21, 2005 I Overview of Staffing Issues related to bar closing * Bars currently close at 0200 hours, and there is activity in the areas of the bars and along major traffic corridors 30 minutes to one (1) hours after the bars close (until 0230 or 0300 hours). * In the areas where bars are concentrated (Downtown and West University Avenue corridor), zone officers and other officers from throughout the city assist with crowd control, traffic problems, noise complaints, and other bar-related dynamics for a several hour period on high activity nights. * There is shift overlap from 2200-0300 hours to accommodate higher call load in the city. II Current Citywide Staffing on Shifts 3 & 4 * These are AVERAGE number of zone officers working each shift CITYWIDE * Numbers were sampled from October 2004, January 2005, and March 2005 * Shift 3 = 1700-0300 hours Shift 4 = 2200-0800 hours MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT SUN Shift 3 14 14 14 22 15 15 15 Shift 4 14 15 15 25 14 14 12 TOTAL til 0300 28 29 29 47 29 29 27 III       Current Area Staffing Levels Until 0300 hours * DOWNTOWN AREA MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT SUN Zone Mike Shift 3 Zone Mike Shift 4 1 1 1 1 Downtown Unit 5 5 5 5 Mounted Unit 2 2 2 2 Overtime Officers 3 3 3 Other Zone Officers 5 5 5 TOTAL 1 1 8 16 15 15 0 * WEST UNIVERSITY AVENUE CORRIDOR (1300-1800 W. Univ. Ave.) MON TUES WED THURS FRI SAT SUN Zone Golf Shift 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Zone Golf Shift 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Mounted Unit 2 2 Other Zone Officers 4 4 4 TOTAL 2 2 8 10 6 2 2 GPD Bar Closing Report Public Safety Committee April 21, 2005 Page 2 of 2   IV Staffing Effects of Extending Bar Hours to 0300 Hours * If bars closed at 0300 hours, there would no longer be a shift overlap to handle the extra needs of crowd control, traffic problems, noise complaints, and other bar-related dynamics. * All officers labeled as Other Zone Officers in section III would be paid overtime for one additional hour per shift. * Additional personnel costs for the extension of bar hours are APPROXIMATELY $1070 per week, or $55,600 per year (based on $39.50 per hour overtime pay). * There will also be some intangible costs associated with having the bar crowd out an additional hour * Additional noise complaints due to bar music and vehicle “boom boxes” * Additional traffic congestion and traffic accidents in areas outside the Downtown Area and West University Avenue corridor. * Additional time of zone officers not covering their assigned zoned until 0400 hours or later, resulting in greater opportunity for business burglaries and other crimes. Report Completed by: Captain Ed Van Winkle, District 2 Commander Captain Lynne Benck, District 1 Commander