Wood Pole Inspection and Groundline Treatment (B)
Staff recommends approval to enter into a contract with Utility Pole Technologies, Inc. for wood pole inspection and groundline treatment services for treated wood utility poles.
The purpose of the wood pole inspection and groundline treatment is to extend the useful life of treated wood utility poles by identifying and treating wood decay by periodically inspecting and applying preservative treatment, as needed. Approximately 3400 utility poles are inspected annually. This preventative maintenance is intended to stop or retard groundline pole rotting, thereby reducing pole replacement costs by lengthening the life of poles which are otherwise structurally sound. Load calculations are performed on 10% of all poles with multiple utilities attached to them to determine remaining pole strength. The projected annual cost for this contract is $100,000.
An Invitation to Bid for wood pole inspection and groundline treatment services was sent by Utilities Purchasing to four prospective bidders, with three responding. Utility Pole Technologies, Inc. submitted the best evaluated bid based on price, past performance and references. A copy of the bid evaluation is attached for your reference.
The City Commission 1) authorize the Interim General Manager, or her designee to execute a two year contract with Utility Pole Technologies, Inc. for wood pole inspection and groundline treatment services for treated wood utility poles, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality; and 2) approve the issuance of purchase orders in amounts not to exceed budgeted amounts for each year of the contract, subject to the final appropriation of funds for each year of the contract.
Fiscal Note
Funding for this project is included in the approved FY 2007 budget and will be requested in future budgets during the term of the contract.
Prepared by David E. Beaulieu, AGM, Energy Delivery
Submitted by Karen S. Johnson, Interim General Manager