Traffic Management System Funding Partnerships (B)
This item is to authorize staff to request Alachua County include funding assistance for the Traffic Management System within the County's FY 07 Capital Improvement Program as well as through the Florida Department of Transportation's Transportation Regional Incentive Program.
Staff has developed phasing and funding strategy plans for the Traffic Management System (TMS). Alachua County, Florida Department of Transportation and the University of Florida have all expressed interest in participating in a funding partnership.
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has a new funding program, Transportation Regional Incentive Program (TRIP) that is available to regional transportation areas (RTA). A RTA has to consist of multiple counties and/or Metropolitan Planning Organizations to partner in a project that has regional significance. Staff believes the TMS would qualify as a regional project to facilitate traffic movement into and around Alachua County because of the major employment centers located within the county - specifically the University of Florida and Shands Medical Center. Because the FDOT looks to the counties for leadership in applying for such funds, staff has asked Alachua County to send a letter to FDOT requesting funds for the TMS through TRIP. A letter from the City Commission supporting this application will be helpful in putting together the RTA that is required. In addition, staff would like authorization to work with the MTPO staff to develop partnerships with Alachua County, Putnam, Gilchrist and/or Columbia County to join an RTA for the TMS project. The TRIP requires 50% local match. The total project cost is estimated at $16 million, so an $8 million local match will be required.
Additionally, staff recommends sending a letter to Alachua County requesting that they include funding for the TMS in their capital improvement program. Staff has conducted an analysis of the cost share between Alachua County and the City of Gainesville assuming no other funding partners are found.
Fiscal Note
There is no direct fiscal impact of this request.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission : 1) authorize the Mayor to execute letters of support for funding for the Traffic Management System to Alachua County and the Florida Department of Transportation; 2) authorize the City Manager to pursue funding partnerships with other entities including Alachua County, Florida Department of Transportation; and 3) authorize the City Manager to pursue the designation of a Regional Transportation Area to qualify for the Transportation Regional Incentive Program.
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission take no action.