An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the Land Development Code relating to cluster subdivisions; amending section 30-190, establishing criteria for classifying cluster subdivisions as either environmental or infill, establishing lot sizes, clarifying the cluster open space requirement, and modifying the criteria for the review of cluster subdivisions; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.
The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.
This petition is proposed in order to update the cluster subdivision ordinance and ensure that cluster subdivisions result in better site planning than would normally occur through conventional subdivision procedures. Staff's review found that the current cluster subdivision process was adopted long before many of the regulations the City has in place today to protect environmental features, such as wetlands and creeks. Since all developments are required to protect environmental resources, such as creeks and wetlands, the cluster subdivision ordinance is being updated so that the cluster open space being provided is above and beyond those already-protected environmental features.
Staff has amended the cluster subdivision provisions to establish minimum lot sizes (no minimum existed previously), to increase compatibility with existing surrounding neighborhoods. The amended chapter also requires cluster open space to be more than already protected environmental areas, and classifies cluster subdivisions as either environmental or infill, so that the objectives of any given cluster subdivision are clearer. The Plan Board reviewed the petition and recommended several changes. The Community Development Committee also provided input and direction.
Public notice was published in the Gainesville Sun on August 2, 2005. The Plan Board held a public hearing August 18, 2005. The Plan Board, by a vote of 5-0, approved the Petition with modifications.
The City Commission heard and approved this Petition, with further modifications, on September 26, 2005. The ordinance was put on hold by staff while they finalized Petition 122TCH-05 PB, relating to approval of design plats and modifying requirements for subdivision approval.
At its April 23, 2007 and May 14, 2007 meetings, the City Commission continued first reading of this ordinance in order for planning staff to consider revising the ordinance to provide a threshold subdivision size over which the minimum lot sizes would not apply.
Planning Staff reviewed all parcels greater than 5 acres (i.e, eligible for application for a cluster subdivision) and removed from consideration all parcels that were surrounded by, and would potentially be incompatible with, established neighborhoods. After this analysis, 8 parcels remained ranging in size from 52 acres to over 1000 acres, all being isolated parcels or located at the edge of the City limits. Based on this, planning staff recommends that cluster subdivisions of 50 acres or less be subject to the minimum lot sizes specified in the ordinance; while those 51 acres or larger would not be subject to minimum lot sizes. All cluster subdivisions would still be limited by the overall density allowed in the underlying zoning district.
Should the Commission pass the ordinance on first reading on June 11, 2007, the second and final reading will be held on Monday, June 25, 2007.
Fiscal Note