Appeal of Denial by Historic Preservation Board of Certificate of Appropriateness for Demolition of 1102 Southwest 6th Avenue, 1116 Southwest 6th Avenue, and the garage behind 1101 Southwest 5th Avenue. The proposal includes replacing the historic structures with structures ranging in height from three to four stories. (NB)
The applicant has appealed the Historic Preservation Board's June 12, 2007, denial of Petition 36COA-07 HPB. That petition is a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) that includes the construction of a three- to four-story multiple-family structure containing approximately 23 units and 63 bedrooms; the demolition of contributing accessory structures; and the demolition of a non-contributing principal structure.
The subject property is located within the University Heights-South Historic District, along the north side of Southwest 6th Avenue, between Southwest 10th and 12th Streets. This property is approximately two-thirds of an acre in size, and is zoned RH-2, Residential High Density (8-100 dwelling units per acre). Additionally, the site is located with the University Heights Special Area Plan area.
At the July 9, 2007 City Commission meeting, staff will discuss the evolution of this proposal. At that meeting staff will provide details related to previous development proposals and recommendations for the subject property.
The primary reason cited by the Historic Preservation Board (HPB) for denying the application is the height, mass and proportions of the proposed structure. The HPB indicated that they felt that a four story high structure on the subject Property was incompatible with the surrounding area, which predominantly consists of one- and two-story buildings. Primarily for those reasons, the HPB determined that the proposal is inconsistent with the City's guidelines, and therefore, voted 8 to 0 to deny the COA.
The City Commission: 1) hear the appeal of the June 12 denial of the Historic Preservation Board and 2) affirm, amend, or reverse the Historic Preservation Board's decision.
A. 1) hear the appeal; and 2) affirm, amend, or reverse the historic preservation board's decision of June 12, 2007.
Historic Preservation Board to City Commission-affirm the Historic Preservation Board's decision
Staff to Historic Preservation Board-Approve the COA with conditions