Addition of a Systems Operation Manager in the Energy Delivery Department, GRU (B)
A Systems Operation Manager is needed due to the increase scope and responsibilities within the department such that this position now includes managerial functions associated with the day-to-operation, control and restoration of the utility's electric systems.
The position of Systems Operation Supervisor in the Systems Control Division of GRU Energy Delivery was vacated by retirement in August 2005. The position was temporarily underfilled with a Systems Control Operator to prepare for pending personnel separations. This vacancy provided management with the opportunity to thoroughly review the scope and responsibilities of the Supervisor position relative to the changing needs of the utility and the division. The primary focus of the Systems Operation Supervisor is the direct supervision of the Systems Operators and Operations Assistants and their respective job functions. It has been determined that the need exists to increase the scope and responsibilities of this position to include managerial functions associated with: the day-to-day operation, control, and restoration of the utility's electric systems; electric systems performance monitoring, analysis, and reporting; oversight and coordination of all Systems Control personnel engaged in system performance; initiation of system studies and performance improvements; and coordination of resources to accomplish such work by the Energy Delivery operating divisions and others throughout the utility. The new job classification would provide for the direct supervision of a Systems Engineer as well as hourly employees and associated management responsibilities.
Fiscal Note
The incumbents within the Systems Operator II (SysOpr2) classification have historically been direct reports to the Systems Operation Supervisor and they would be direct reports to the Systems Operation Manager. This relationship establishes the effective minimum compensation for either position. A fully qualified SysOpr2 (Pay Grade C15) can be expected to earn a top wage of $84,041 annualized, exclusive of overtime. Promotion of a SysOpr2 to either the Supervisor or Manager position would result in a base salary (annualized) of $88,243 ($84,041 + 5%). It is reasonable to project that by working in the capacity of the Systems Operation Supervisor that the incumbent would earn an additional $4,848 in overtime (a very conservative estimate of 80 hours OT over the course of one year). Therefore the total projected annual compensation for the Systems Operation Supervisor would be $93,091 ($88,243 + $4,848). The midpoint of the proposed Systems Operation Manager (recommended Pay Grade M11) is $93,741. Therefore, the calculated annual fiscal impact would be $650.
The City Commission approve adding a Systems Operation Manager (Pay in the Energy Delivery Department - Grade M11) and add this position to the Occupational Index.