Contract Services for ConnectFREE Project (B)
Staff recommends establishing a contract with Summit Professional Services, Inc. to coordinate plumbing conversions for GRU customers qualifying for the ConnectFREE Program.
On September 24, 2001 the City Commission established an ordinance to collect a 25 percent surcharge on water/wastewater connection charges in the unincorporated area. The collected funds were to be allocated to finance the City's ConnectFREE Program which is administered jointly by GRU and General Government. The program's purpose is to connect GRU's centralized potable water to customers in existing homes within the Gainesville City limits that are currently served by wells.
The program will initially focus on providing water service to existing homes in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) target areas. The goal of the program is to connect water service to approximately 100 customers per year for the next 3 years. The City shall pay for water system extensions, connection charges and meter charges for all of the program participants. For income eligible participants, the City shall also coordinate and pay for plumbing modifications to the customers' properties to allow connection to GRU's water system. Customers who do not meet the low income criteria will be responsible for the plumbing modifications on their properties.
Due to the level of effort required to coordinate these activities and limited staff resources, staff recommends establishing a contract for coordination of the activities directly with customers for plumbing modifications. A Request for Proposal was issued for these services to four prospective bidders. All attended a mandatory pre-proposal meeting and two companies submitted proposals. Staff evaluated the proposals based on qualifications and experience of the company, cost, acceptability of evaluation method and references. Summit Professional Services, Inc. submitted the best evaluated proposal. A copy of the evaluation of the proposals is attached for your information.
The City Commission 1) authorize the Interim General Manager, or her designee, to execute a three year contract with Summit Professional Services, Inc. to coordinate on-site plumbing conversions for GRU customers, subject to approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality, and 2) approve the issuance of purchase orders to Summit Professional Services, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $60,000 for the three years.
Fiscal Note
Funding for coordinating these services shall be generated from the surcharge collected from connections in the unincorporated areas of the City.
Prepared by: Albert E. White, Community Relations Director
Submitted by: Karen Johnson, Interim General Manager