Depot Park Update (NB)
The CRA has been designated as the lead agency for the Depot Park Project and is responsible for providing status reports to the CRA on a regular basis. In July, GRU staff provided an update of remediation milestones completed and overview of the current schedule. A summary of recent activity is presented below.
Project Management: The CRA convened the Depot Park Team on December 2nd and introduced new project management tools. It is anticipated that 2009 will see an escalation of construction activities consisting of the planned Phase 1 remediation, reconstruction of Depot Avenue, and partial depot building rehabilitation. Coordination and communication will be a paramount concern. These tools will be used to track the progress of major tasks at regular monthly meetings and to clarify roles and responsibilities among the project team members. Staff will explain these tools during the meeting update. Staff will also present the revised project schedule.
Cade Museum: The Cade Museum leadership is working with the Boston-based museum design firm E. Verner Johnson and Associates to develop a conceptual building design. The Cade Museum leadership is also moving ahead with funding feasibility and should have more information available around the end of the year. Staff anticipates that a concept will be available for review by the first quarter 2009.
Stormwater Pond Performance and Maintenance: As reported previously, the landscape architecture firm Carol R. Johnson and Associates will be conducting a peer review of the stormwater facility design. Work on this task is about to be underway.
Park Design Elements: Staff has prepared a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to procure professional landscape architecture services. It is anticipated that the Purchasing Department will issue the RFQ before the end of 2008.
Depot Park Design and Technical Standards: The CRA recently authorized Carol R. Johnson and Associates to develop standards for the Depot Context Area. Samples were presented to the SPROUT Task Force at its December 2nd meeting.
Depot Building Relocation and Rehabilitation: The depot building was relocated to a fenced, temporary site near the southwest corner of Depot Park. The building will remain in this location until its permanent site near Depot Avenue is remediated and restored in 2009. CRA staff is investigating whether any amount of building rehabilitation can be performed during the temporary storage. The CRA has prepared a Request for Qualifications, which will be issued before the end of 2008, for architectural services to complete the building rehabilitation plans,. The CRA expects to have the design firm under contract by mid-January 2009. The CRA has also performed an analysis of funding needs and has identified that a gap of approximately $521,000 exists to complete the rehabilitation of the site.
Depot Ave Reconstruction - Segment III: Public Works is planning to bid the reconstruction in January 2009. Phase 1 is expected to start in the spring 2009. Phase 2 is contingent on completion of the remediation.
Remediation: On November 6, 2008 the Gainesville City Commission approved the GRU-recommended landfill option. A start date of July 2009 was given by GRU staff. Assessment of other areas of the park site for arsenic and chlorinated organic compounds is still ongoing.
Fiscal Note
Funding gap of $521,000 for the depot building will need to be addressed, potentially through the Wild Spaces Public Spaces initiative. A recommendation will be presented to the City Commission.
CRA Executive Director to the CRA: Receive an update from staff.