Special Needs Housing Agreement with Arbor House Inc. (B)
This item proposes to award a $9,000.00 Special Needs Housing Program due-on-sale loan to Arbor House Inc. to make exterior improvements to a residential structure used to shelter very low and low-income homeless young women with children. The building is located at 2618 Northwest 6th Street.
The Special Needs Housing Program was approved by the City Commission as a part of the Local Housing Assistance Plan and an Inter-Local Agreement with Alachua County. The State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Steering Committee met on July 7, 2006 to review applications for Special Needs Housing Program assistance and to hear presentations from representatives of each applicant regarding their requests for funding. The SHIP Steering Committee also conducted a site visit of each applicant. The funds were advertised on a competitive basis, and there were a total of two applicants who applied for funding, Arbor House, Inc. and Peaceful Paths. The SHIP Steering Committee recommends approval of the funding requests from Peaceful Paths and Arbor House, Inc. In accordance with the inter-local agreement, Alachua County will fund Peaceful Paths in the amount of $12,055, and the City will fund Arbor House, Inc. in the amount of $9,000.
This Agreement provides for a maximum of $9,000.00 of program funds to be used by Arbor House, Inc. during the period October 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007. These funds will be used to finance 50% of the cost to scrape, power wash and paint a historical two-story residence that is used as a homelessness shelter for young women with children. The due-on-sale loan will have a 15-year term requiring Arbor House, Inc. to continue assisting eligible very-low and low-income households during the compliance period.
Fiscal Impact
SHIP Program funds are budgeted in Housing Division's account 119-790-X384-5540-8200 for this loan award.
The City Commission: 1) approve the loan award of $9,000 to Arbor House Inc. for exterior improvements to the residential structure located at 2618 Northwest 6th Street; 2) authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to execute the Agreement between the City and Arbor House Inc., subject to approval by the City Attorney; and 3) authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to issue a purchase order in the amount of $9,000 to Arbor House Inc. Prior to October 23, 2006 a copy of the Agreement will be on file in the Clerk of the Commission's office. After October 23, 2006, a copy of the Agreement will be on file in the Community Development Department.)
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission could choose to not approve the recommendation and require Arbor House Inc. to locate funding from another source to undertake this project.