Ash Removal From Deerhaven Ash Landfill (B)
As coal is burned in Deerhaven Unit 2, some ash is left over. A small percentage of the ash is heavy enough to fall to the bottom of the boiler and is collected as bottom ash. The bottom ash is collected and stored onsite in the ash landfill. The lighter ash is carried by the exhaust gasses through the furnace and collected in the electrostatic precipitator as fly ash. The fly ash is then conveyed to a storage silo and can be loaded into trucks and hauled to Deerhaven's onsite landfill or to offsite facilities where it is used in the manufacturing of cement
Currently, almost all of the fly ash produced at Deerhaven is sold under contract to Central Power and Lime and used in their cement kiln near Brooksville Florida. Because of this, we are putting almost no new fly ash into the Deerhaven landfill. However, demand for fly ash cycles for various reasons and in the past much of the fly ash produced at Deerhaven was stored in the landfill. The landfill contains approximately 400,000 tons of ash accumulated over the 18 years of Deerhaven Unit 2 operation.
Recently, staff has been approached by various cement manufacturing companies interested in removing the ash stored in the landfill. Staff believes this would be a benefit because a waste product will be recycled into a useful product, landfill space at Deerhaven will be freed up postponing the need to add to the landfill capacity at Deerhaven, and we would be removing a potential liability from the environment.
In response to these inquiries, staff issued a request for proposals to firms interested in removing the ash from the landfill. Only one response was received, but the response meets all the technical and bid specifications. Therefore, staff recommends negotiation and execution of a contract with Florida Rock Industries, Inc.
Authorize the General Manager or his designee to negotiate and execute a contract for the removal of ash from the Deerhaven ash landfill.
Fiscal Note
This contract will produce a small net income of approximately $5,000 per year. The proposal calls for removing 40,000 tons per year over the next 10 years. The removal of the fly ash from the landfill will postpone the need to open new landfill space by recovering existing space valued at $6-10 per ton.
Prepared by: Darrell R. DuBose, AGM/Energy Supply
Submitted by: Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager