Property Tax Reform Amendment Public Education Program (B)
At the direction of the City Commission, the City of Gainesville Communications and Marketing Office will coordinate and distribute a property tax reform proposed constitutional amendment public education materials as a source of information for the citizens of Gainesville.
On October 29, 2007, the Florida Legislature passed Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 2D. SJR2D places a proposed constitutional amendment to reform the State of Florida's property tax system on the January 29, 2008 Presidential Primary ballot. The proposed amendment seeks to accomplish the following:
1) Place an additional $25,000 homestead exemption for assessed values between $50,000 - $75,000;
2) Allow homesteaded property owner to take up to $500,000 of their Save Our Homes benefit to a new homestead within two years of giving up their previous homestead; and
3) Provide a $25,000 exemption on tangible personal property and place a 10% assessment cap on non-homesteaded property.
The City of Gainesville Communications and Marketing Office proposes to coordinate and distribute information to provide citizens with pertinent facts regarding the property tax reform proposed constitutional amendment. The public information program will dispense information via the City's publicly accessible website, Channel 12, and an op-ed piece for the print media. By providing factual information, the public information program will seek to accomplish the following:
1) Outline the provisions included in the proposed constitutional amendment and provide examples as to how the provisions will affect the average homeowner in the City of Gainesville. The median home value will be used to illustrate the additional $25,000 homestead exemption and portability;
2) Provide basic information showing how the City of Gainesville budgets ad valorem revenue and information that reflects the potential impact of an approximate $3.1 million or 14 percent decrease in current ad valorem revenue; and
3) Provide a brief overview of how the City managed the statutory rollback mandated by the Florida Legislature which affected the FY2008 budget.
A May 2007 letter written to Senator Oelrich from Mayor Hanrahan expressing the Commission's stance on property tax reform and a resolution approved by the Florida League of Cities outlining the League's position are included as backup.
Fiscal Note
The City Commission: approve the proposed information program outlined above and direct staff to begin the program immediately.
Alternative Recommendation A
The City Commission: 1) review and discuss a public education program regarding the property tax reform proposed constitutional amendment; 2) provide direction to staff as to what should be included in the program; and 3) direct staff to begin the revised public education Program immediately.
Alternative Recommendation B
The City Commission: deny staff's request to develop and promote a public education program regarding the property tax reform proposed constitutional amendment.