Ad Hoc Committee on University Neighborhoods Implementing Recommendations (Controlled Parking Program) (B)
On October 14, 2002, the City Commission discussed a number of the implementing steps to undertake initially. The Commission asked that staff return with an itemization of the approaches discussed regarding each implementing step. On November 12, 2002, City Commission referred recommendation # 5 to the Public Works Committee.
Reference: Recommendation #5
The pilot program to extend the time frames during which decal parking is enforced, to cover earlier morning hours and later evening hours, and issuing no more than three parking decals to unrelated individuals for each residence, has been referred to the Public Works Committee. (Also in Town-Gown report.)
On September 3, 2002, the implementing committees of the Ad Hoc Committee on University Neighborhoods presented a list of recommendations to the City Commission with the goal of stabilizing and enhancing the neighborhoods around the University of Florida. On December 2, 2002, the Public Works Committee directed staff to bring back recommendations for revising the parking program. On January 6, 2003 the Public Works Committee directed staff to continue working on proposal and hold a neighborhood meeting in the evening. Discuss at the next Public Works Committee meeting. On February 6, 2003, the Public Works Committee discussed and made the following recommendations regarding the University Area Controlled Parking Program: 1) Zones 3 & 4 parking permit would be tied to the property; 2) Zones 1, 2 & 5 would maintain the current decal system tied to a vehicle; 3) simplified documentation needed to obtain a parking permit for Multi-Family Residential properties by having property owner/manager provide a listing of tenants needing on-street parking.
The summary of changes to the University Area Controlled Parking Program is outlined below as recommended by the Public Works Committee and Staff.
Zones 3 and 4 - Single Family - Owner Occupied
1. Tie permit to property, not vehicle.
2. Owner can purchase maximum of 2 permits annually.
3. No visitor permits authorized (regular permits can serve as visitor permits).
4. Permits will be hang tabs.
5. Cost of permit remains at $15 per year.
Zones 3 and 4 - Single Family - Rental Property
1. Tie permit to property, not vehicle.
2. One permit annually per property, permit cost remains at $15 per year.
3. One visitor permit per property, no charge, valid for 30 days, can be renewed.
4. Permits will be hang tabs.
Zones 1, 2 & 5 - Multi-Family Residential
1. Maintain existing decal system and simplify process to obtain decals.
2. Property owner/manager will supply city with list of tenants eligible for permits.
3. To obtain permit, tenant must provide valid driver's license and current vehicle registration (registered to them or family member as outlined in ordinance).
4. Cost of permit remains at $15 per year.
5. Permit will be decal (current system).
6. Each multi-family be allotted a maximum of 5 visitor permits per year, allocated to property manager and visitor permits be free.
Commercial Properties
1. Maintain same system, 5 permits per property.
2. Permits are zone specific.
3. Cost of permit remains at $15 per year.
4. Convert permits from dash permits to hang tabs.
5. Commercial properties not be allocated visitor permits.
Service Permits
1. Create a service permit for trade's people working in program area.
2. Permit would be valid in all zones.
3. Maximum number of permits per business is five.
4. Permits would be hang tabs.
5. Cost of permit is $15 per year.
6. Businesses must submit written request on letterhead.
7. Vehicle registration required.
Instruct City Manager to work with UF to finalize process for issuing decals.
Appeals Board
1. Create a three member staff appeals board to resolve issues/conditions/hardships created by program.
2. Board members to be a representative from Public Works, Police and Codes Enforcement.
Florida Foundation
The Florida Foundation continues to be allocated 40 Commercial permits annually.
Zone Boundaries
The City Manager is authorized to adjust zone boundaries to facilitate program signage and operations.
City Attorney
1. Instruct City Attorney and Public Works to include penalties for counterfeiting and/or falsifying permits/program documentation in ordinance changes.
Program Guidelines
The City Manager maintains the program operational guidelines detailing how the program operates.
Florida Court (Zone 6)
The current restricted parking program in Florida Court (Zone 6) is operated identical to the University Area Controlled Parking Program with the exception of the enforcement being 24 hours per day 7 days per week. No changes recommended.
1. Maintain existing decal system and simplify process to obtain decals.
2. Resident must provide 2 proofs of residency current (within 60 days).
3. To obtain permit, tenant must provide valid driver's license and current vehicle registration (registered to them or family member as outlined in ordinance).
4. Cost of permit remains at $15 per year.
5. Permit will be decal (current system).
6. Each resident will be allotted a maximum of 2 visitor permits per year, allocated to the resident and visitor permits be free.
Grace Period
Grace period to be stated in the program guidelines for the Fall semester and the Spring semester.
The City Commission: 1) hear a presentation from staff; 2) approve the changes in the University Area Controlled Parking Program; 3) authorize the City Manager to approve the changes to the program guidelines; and 4) instruct the City Attorney to draft the appropriate ordinance changes.