CRA Project Summary (NB)
As a regular informational item on CRA agendas, Staff provides a brief update on selected referrals, redevelopment projects and development agreements under review. This monthly update is typically a limited sampling of the CRA's many on-going projects, as opposed to a complete list.
CRA Wide
CRA Sustainability Policy - This project is in process and has been assigned to a staff team. Initial research and policy drafting will start this fall. The target delivery date is February 2009.
CRA Website - CRA will begin a marketing program to promote the website. Additional web content is being developed.
Parking Study - On this agenda.
University Avenue Medians - The construction documents for the 5 medians in CPUH and 3 medians in the Eastside, including irrigation systems, are complete. An additional median in the Downtown area is also included in the project. These plans were developed with input from the FDOT landscape architect. FDOT gave verbal approval on September 11th and the Gainesville Permits Manager sent the plans to District II for formal approval. The bid documents have been released and a pre-bid meeting was held on September 25th. The bid due date is October 9th. On September 30th, FDOT unexpectedly indicated to staff that formal written approval was being denied due to compliance issues. CRA staff is working with FDOT to obtain the necessary approval.
Southeast Gainesville Redevelopment Initiative - The City accepted the Special Area Plan from consultants at the May 12th City Commission meeting. CRA Staff has met with the City's Community Development Dept. and the City's Attorneys to finalize the document in order to begin the process of incorporation into the Land Development Code.
Kennedy Homes - Staff is finalizing the RFP for publication, and plans to issue the document once an option agreement between the City and the CRA is finalized. Along with the release of the RFP, the CRA is planning a targeted marketing strategy aimed at attracting top caliber respondents.
Renaissance Lights on University from Waldo to SE 15th Street -The project is complete.
Cotton Club -The City Commission will hold a hearing October 16, 2008 to modify the permitted uses of the PS ( Public services and operations district) zoning for the Perryman Grocery store to Restaurant and café. A marketing plan has been developed for the "Cotton Market Place" which will include a farmers market, crafts, and ethic foods.
Exterior Paint Program- Staff will conduct an outreach program for potential applicants for the Exterior Paint Program. Implementation of the Exterior Paint Improvement Grant Program will begin in October 2008.
Eastside Gateway - The site plan for the Gateway project has been approved and permit obtained. FDOT MOT is under review. Construction is anticipated to commence in October.
Downtown Community Plaza - Staff is currently formulating strategies for improvements to the Downtown Community Plaza. Working with DRAB, staff is examining the issues and opportunities at play, and is also examining how the Plaza compares to examples of healthy, vibrant public spaces found in other cities. Staff will provide a full presentation to the CRA at a future meeting.
Bethel Station - At an upcoming meeting, the City Commission will consider leasing the Bethel Garage to the CRA. Should this lease agreement be approved, the CRA will proceed with issuing an RFP to attract new businesses that wish to locate at the Bethel site. The selected business will sublet the Bethel Garage from the CRA.
Lynch Park - The landscape architect is finalizing design documents for the park. Staff hopes to bid the project for construction in late autumn, with a groundbreaking by the end of the calendar year.
GRU Redevelopment - The consultant team continues to refine the vision for the area surrounding the Kelly Power Plant. Consultants are developing a potential regulatory toolset that will allow flexibility and high-quality redevelopment to occur in the manner they have described to the CRA and to local stakeholders. Additionally, the consultant team is also considering economics and business considerations associated with redevelopment. Representatives from Lord-Aeck-Sargent will likely return to Gainesville in mid-October to work with staff and meet with key stakeholders.
Hampton Inn/Lot 9 Redevelopment - Construction is currently underway; foundation work is complete and the structure is now going vertical. It is anticipated that the project will be complete and the hotel will be operational by July 2009.
Jefferson on 2nd Avenue - Construction is complete and residents are moving in. The CRA Engineer is working with the Developer to ensure the terms of the Development Agreement are fulfilled.
Lot 10 Redevelopment -On October 16th, the City Commission will consider a mutual rescission of its agreements with Gainesville Greens, as the developer no longer intends to pursue that project. Should these rescissions be approved, the City and the CRA would then be able to enter into a new option agreement for Lot 10. In the meantime, CRA staff is finalizing a new RFP for the site, based on the scope approved by the CRA at the September 15th meeting. Staff will be prepared to issue this RFP as soon as a new option agreement between the City and the CRA is secured.
The Palms - Construction is complete and residents are moving in. The CRA Engineer is working with the Developer to ensure the terms of the Development Agreement are fulfilled
Porters Neighborhood Improvements - The CRA has received a utility design scheme from GRU and Cox Cable for SW 3rd St (Depot Ave - 400BLK); AT&T design is anticipated. Once all utility designs are received, the CRA will review the scope of improvements with the Downtown advisory board.
CRA Streetscaping for Depot Ave - The CRA is coordinating with the Public Works Department to add CRA streetscaping materials to the Depot Ave Reconstruction project, to be bid this year. Streetscaping elements include brick sidewalks, crosswalks, and decorative lighting.
Bus Shelters - on hold.
Gainesville Responsible Hospitality Partnership - GRHP is pleased to welcome a new intern, Jenni Skinner. Ms. Skinner is a marketing student at the University of Florida, and she will be working to help publicize and promote GRHP, as well as to enlist new Responsible Hospitality members.
CRA Streetscape Design Standards- Bellomo-Herbert has finalized the revisions to the standards. Staff is reviewing changes with the advisory boards and making revisions.
University Avenue Improvements - On September 30th, the FDOT Gainesville permits Manager indicated to staff that the permit has been approved by FDOT District II. CRA and Public Works have agreed to cooperate on the installation of the hardscape items and to coordinate construction supervision and contract administration. CRA expects the contractor, Joytech, to provide a price quote and schedule during the week of October 13th. It is now projected that the improvement installation will begin in late October. The improvements extend from NW 20th Terrace to Waldo Road.
Depot Rail Trail - JMJ Consulting Engineering completed the feasibility study for the portion of trail located adjacent to the SW 13th Street overpass and between SW 11th and 13th streets. The feasibility study analyzed options for widening and accessing the trail from SW 13th Street. It is recommended that the trail be widened to 10-ft and direct access be provided to the trail from SW 13th Street. Final recommendations were based on shared use path design quality and construction costs. Design concepts for accessing the path will be addressed in the RFQ/Design Competition for the SW 13th Street overpass, to be issued this fall. Widening of the trail will follow construction of the SW 13th Street overpass, anticipated 2010.
Tumblin Creek Watershed Management Plan - The Tumblin Creek Watershed Management Plan (TCWMP) was completed in late 2007. Currently, staff is working on the implementation strategy of the plan. Projects listed within the plan have been prioritized, and staff is initiating the top priority project, SW 7th Ave exfiltration.
SW 2nd Avenue Master Plan - CPUH continues to pursue a comprehensive vision for redevelopment along the SW 2nd Avenue corridor. The goal of this initiative is to formulate a plan that is based on a thorough understanding of the market forces and infrastructure issues that will impact redevelopment. Staff is currently examining the possibility of new partners to help guide this process.
SW 7th Ave Exfiltration Basin and Improvements - The CRA engineer is working with CES and JMJ engineering to coordinate design, permitting, and construction of this project. Currently the project is in the early phases of design, with preliminary stormwater modeling and geometric layout of the roadway improvements to be completed this month.
SW 8th Ave Improvements - The CRA and PWD are initiating a project to complete construction documents for SW 8th Ave improvements (900-1300 BLK), a listed capital improvements project for the CRA. Improvements include reconstruction of the roadway from 900-1000 BLK, milling and resurfacing from 1000-1300 BLK, ADA compliant sidewalks, undergrounding utilities, safe crosswalks, and CRA streetscaping.
SW 13th Street Pedestrian Overpass Enhancement Design - The Design Competition packet is under review by the City's Purchasing Department.
Rails-to-Trails Signage - The City Commission has adopted the CRA's design for guide signage for the City's rail trail system. CRA is currently designing the mounting system and design specifications.
Model Block D 418 NW 4th Avenue- The closing of 418 NW 4th Avenue was September 11, 2008. The purchase price was $162,000.
University House - Construction is nearing completion. The CRA engineer is working with Planning and Public Works Departments to ensure that CRA standards are well reflected in the final product and that inadequate lighting of the street is addressed.
5th Avenue Mixed-Use Project (Union Academy Building) - The rendering was approved by the CRA and the Fifth Avenue Advisory Board. Staff is currently reviewing options to be presented later this summer or early fall.
NW 6th Street Rail Trail - Public Works and CRA staff are collaborating on this project, which involves the design and construction of the 6th Street rail trail from South Main Street to approximately NW 14th Avenue. CRA will participate mainly on the design of the project. The trail project spans the Downtown, CPUH, and FAPS redevelopment districts.
NW 5th Ave Streetscape Phase II (600-1000 BLK) - The CRA and Public Works Department are initiating the design for the next phase of the NW 5th Ave Streetscape. This is a continuation of the section of roadway that was completed in April 2008, from 300 -600 BLK. Listed in the scope of improvements are undergrounding utilities, completing sidewalks, decorative roadway/pedestrian lighting, and general CRA streetscaping.
A. Quinn Jones House - This house is located at 1013 NW 7th Avenue. Staff is in the preliminary process of recommending that the A. Quinn Jones House be placed on the National Register of Historic places. Architect Jay Reeves and Associates have completed the Feasibility study. The Committee met in September 2008 to discuss the feasibility study and the necessary steps needed to stabilize the house. This study outlines the proposed use, structural condition, and required renovations for pubic access.
Fiscal Note
None at this time
CRA Executive Director to CRA: 1) Receive project update from staff.