Murphree Water Treatment Plant (MWTP) Filter Expansion and Upgrade (B)
Staff recommends awarding a contract to Beach Construction Company, Inc. for construction services for the MWTP Filter Expansion and Upgrade.
W/WW Systems has a Capital Improvements Program to fund various improvement projects at the Murphree WTP. Upon completion, this project will enhance the reliability, redundancy, and treatment capacity of the filtration treatment system. The project includes constructing two new filters (Filters No. 5 and No. 6) to increase filtration capacity. The two new filters will be constructed similar to the existing Filters No. 1 through No. 4 and will include a new pipe gallery, clearwell, influent channel, and an elevated walkway to connect the existing filter structure to the new filter structure. In addition, rehabilitation work will be performed on existing Filters No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4 which will modify the filter media and instrumentation and electrical systems to enhance reliability and replace components that have reached their useful service life. This rehabilitation will include replacement of the filter sweep piping, construction of new baffle walls in the inlet channels to improve hydraulics, and repair minor cracks in concrete to existing filters.
Invitations to bid for the Murphree WTP Filter Expansion and Upgrade project were sent by Utilities Purchasing to six companies that perform this type of work, with all attending a mandatory pre-bid meeting. Three bids were received with Beach Construction Company, Inc. submitting the lowest, responsive bid. A tabulation of the bids received is attached for your information. The recommendation includes authorization for 10 percent in contingencies for staff to procure other materials, equipment and services as required to complete the project. Any additional purchases will be made in accordance with the Purchasing policies.
The City Commission 1) authorize the General Manager, or her designee, to execute a contract with Beach Construction Company, Inc. to perform construction services for the MWTP Filter Expansion and Upgrade Project, subject to approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality, and 2) approve the issuance of a purchase order to Beach Construction Company, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $5,467,000, and 3) authorize staff to procure services, equipment and materials, as required, to complete the project as budgeted.
Fiscal Note
Funding for this work is in the Water/Wastewater FY 2008 budget and will be requested in FY 2009 and 2010.
Prepared by David M. Richardson, AGM Water/Wastewater Systems
Submitted by Karen S. Johnson, General Manager