E-government Software Solution (B)
This item seeks authorization for staff to enter into purchase negotiations with Innoprise Software Incorporated for E-government Software Solution for City Divisions of Building Inspections, Codes Enforcement, and Planning.
On December 22, 2006, a Request for Proposals (RFP) was made available for distribution to qualified vendors regarding E-government software solutions for City of Gainesville Building Inspections, Codes Enforcement, and Planning.
Specifically, the City seeks vendors offering software packages designed to automate and track the operational functions of the aforementioned areas. The package would be inclusive of an internal, employee utilized business processing system and an external, citizen/customer portal. Internally, the software solution is intended to provide an efficient business process and time management tool for staff while building a more seamless response mechanism from amongst the various functional areas (via replacement of existing Building Inspections and Codes Enforcement legacy systems and as a newly implemented Planning system). Externally, the software solution will provide a method by which the citizen/customer can remain more attuned to progress made on various projects and the intent is to provide a more adequate and informative tool for the public's use.
The intent of this electronic software solution is to improve efficiencies in the review, evaluation and processing of applications for physical development. Communities across the country have been moving to such a solution in order to provide a higher degree of customer service, to give staff appropriate management tools and to provide a repository for important institutional information regarding the development of the physical environment.
Deadline for receipt of proposals was March 12, 2007 with seven firms submitting proposals. During the next four months, staff from Planning, Building, Code Enforcement, Finance and Information Technologies held several meetings to complete the task of evaluating all submittals and submitting their written scores to Purchasing for tabulation so as to arrive at the top three firms to invite for oral presentations. The short list was posted on September 5, 2007 and oral presentations were conducted on October 23, 24, 25, 2007.
The three finalist vendors provide similar electronic solutions for the requested scope of work regarding time management and processing needs of staff as well as the ability to communicate more effectively to the general public, with differences in product presentation and formatting. The three finalist vendors were ranked based upon the criteria of: 1) software technology; 2) reasonability and affordability of cost; 3) ability of vendor personnel assigned to task; 4) degree of responsiveness; and 5) technical merits of the proposed solution.
The number one ranked vendor, Innoprise Software, Inc., is headquartered in Broomfield, Colorado and is a private company in business since 2001. Innoprise Software, Inc. was incorporated in 2003. This vendor proposes its Community Development System currently being implemented in several communities across the nation and in Florida. The timeline associated with implementation has been stated as approximately six to nine months from contract finalization.
Fiscal Note
Initial implementation funding has been set aside from the Gallagher Insurance settlement ($200,000) and the Building Inspections Enterprise Fund ($400,000). The cost associated with purchase of the Innoprise Software, Inc. E-government solution is approximately $450,000 (this includes the Community Development Suite and related GIS component; professional services associated with implementation; and annual maintenance and hardware) for initial implementation and first year maintenance. Additional annual maintenance and enhancements will be funded out of the balance of budgeted funds for this project.
The City Commission: 1) approve the attached vendor ranking for E-government software solutions for Building Inspections, Codes Enforcement, and Planning; and 2) authorize the City Manager to enter into negotiations with the number one ranked vendor, Innoprise Software Incorporated.
Alternative Recommendation - A
The City Commission deny the attached vendor rankings and direct staff to reactivate the E-government software solution evaluation process.