Request for Additional Funding for the General Fund Displaced Mobile Home Owner/Tenant Assistance Program (B)
This item proposes to request additional funds in the amount of $10,000 from the City Commission Contingency Fund to continue providing financial assistance for eligible displaced mobile home owners/tenants, who are relocating outside of the corporate limits of the City of Gainesville but within Alachua County due to mobile home park closures.
The City of Gainesville was requested to address the need to assist residents of mobile home parks in Gainesville who are being displaced as a result of mobile home park closures. In response to this need, the City Commission approved the Displaced Mobile Home Owner/Tenants Assistance Program, using HOME funds and General Funds to supplement funding that is provided to displaced mobile home park residents through the State of Florida and other assistance that may be provided by the owners of those mobile home parks.
At the June 25, 2007, City Commission meeting, the City Commission approved HOME Program funds for this program to provide financial assistance for income eligible displaced mobile home owners/tenants, who are relocating within the corporate limits of the City of Gainesville. At the December 10, 2007, City Commission meeting, the City Commission approved Resolution #070330 approving the General Fund for this program to provide financial assistance for income eligible displaced mobile home owners/tenants, who are relocating outside of the corporate limits of the City of Gainesville but within Alachua County. As a result, available housing program funding in the amount of $200,000 was reserved from the City Housing division's HOME Program budget; and $30,000 from the unrestricted Cedar Grove II foreclosures acquisition reserve funds to fund this program. Additionally, the City Commission approved that upon exhaustion of the $30,000 General Funds, that the use of City Commission Contingency funds be authorized in an amount to be determined by the City Commission.
The Buck Bay Mobile Home Park is scheduled to close on September 1, 2008. As a result, throughout this process, the housing division staff has conducted multiple marketing and community outreach activities for the Buck Bay residents, which included informational letters, program flyers, community meetings, one-on-one housing counseling and relocating advisory services. As of August 1, 2008, out of approximately 144 families, 34 families have applied for assistance, of which 13 were deemed not eligible (i.e., over income, no response, moving outside of Alachua County, etc.); 15 families have been approved for assistance and 6 families have applications pending. There is approximately $15,200 remaining in the General Fund funded portion of this program. Attached is a Displaced Mobile Home Owner/Tenant Program status report for reference. According to information provided by the property owner, there are approximately 25 families still residing in the park. Due to the pending mobile home park closure date, in July 2008, housing division staff mailed a reminder letter to the remaining residents in the mobile home park, including posting said letter on the front doors of their homes. As a result, the request for additional General Funds is being submitted to ensure that sufficient funding is available given the uncertainty of whether residents will contact the City's housing division for relocating assistance by the pending mobile home park closure date of September 1, 2008. If these funds are not utilized by November 1, 2008, then the funds will be returned to the City Commission Contingency Fund Account.
Fiscal Impact
Authorized use of City Commission Contingency Funds in an amount $10,000.
The City Commission: 1) authorize the use of $10,000 of City Commission Contingency Funds to provide additional funds for the program; and 2) authorize the return of these funds to the City Commission Contingency Fund account if the funds are not utilized by November 1, 2008.
Alternative Recommendation
The City Commission deny the request for additional General Funds to fund this program. This may result in some displaced families experiencing a financial hardship due to not receiving financial assistance to relocate from the Buck Bay Mobile Home Park.