Ms. Gloria Rozier/Film Festival (NB)
At the December 13, 2004 City Commission meeting, the Interim City Manager was instructed to assist Ms. Gloria Rozier with her request for funding to establish a film festival. There are basically two avenues for review of Cultural proposals:
1) The City of Gainesville's Guide to Grants states that, "all agencies or individuals requesting funding for cultural activities for community events will be referred to the Department of Cultural Affairs for evaluation under the appropriate grant category before the Gainesville City Commission will consider their request."
2) In the past, the City Commission in the past has made referrals directly to the Gainesville-Alachua County Cultural Affairs Board for input before considering a funding request for cultural agencies.
In accordance with past practice, Ms. Rozier was referred to the Department of Cultural Affairs, which arranged for the Cultural Affairs Board to review the request. This meeting took place on December 22, 2004. Ms. Rozier's desire is to attract smaller independent films and video games that might not submit to larger festivals and to find ways to include East Gainesville.
Ms. Rozier states that she has pledges of funds for advertising this project from Cox Cable, the McGurns and the Visitor and Convention Bureau. Ms. Rozier offered details of costs to include; 1) Fee to the organizer, 2) Database, 3) Website, 4) Graphic design, 5) Ads, 6) Travel, 7) Equipment, 8) Honorarium, and 9) miscellaneous, totaling $55,000. Ms. Rozier could not estimate revenues to be generated at this time.
The Cultural Affairs Board and the Department of Cultural Affairs would like to continue to work with Ms. Rozier on this request and on developing an understanding of the finances related to film festivals.
The City Commission approve the Cultural Affairs Board and the Department of Cultural Affairs involvement with Ms. Rozier to evaluate the request and return to the Commission with a recommendation in 90 days.
Fiscal Note
No fiscal impact at this time.