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File #: 050708    Version: 0 Name: Update of the University of Florida Comprehensive Master Plan (NB)
Type: Discussion Item Status: Filed
File created: 12/12/2005 In control: City Manager
On agenda: Final action: 12/12/2005
Title: Update of the University of Florida Comprehensive Master Plan (NB) Three committees appointed by the President of the University have completed the first draft of the University of Florida Comprehensive Master Plan, 2005-2015. The Plan will soon be transmitted to the University of Florida Board of Trustees (BOT). The BOT will be asked to review and approve transmittal of the Plan to State agencies and local governments, and to the general public for a 90-day review period that will end in March of 2006. The University of Florida's Facilities Planning and Construction Division will make a presentation to the City Commission on the draft Plan.
Update of the University of Florida Comprehensive Master Plan (NB)
Three committees appointed by the President of the University have completed the first draft of the University of Florida Comprehensive Master Plan, 2005-2015.   The Plan will soon be transmitted to the University of Florida Board of Trustees (BOT).  The BOT will be asked to review and approve transmittal of the Plan to State agencies and local governments, and to the general public for a 90-day review period that will end in March of 2006.   The University of Florida's Facilities Planning and Construction Division will make a presentation to the City Commission on the draft Plan.
The three committees appointed by the President of the University of Florida, the Transportation Study Committee, the Conservation Study Committee, and the Master Plan Steering Committee, have completed the first draft of the University of Florida Comprehensive Master Plan, 2005-2015.  For the 10-year planning period, the draft plan envisions an additional 3.7 million square feet of main campus development (which currently totals 18.3 million square feet).  The Plan envisions several additional parking garages and removal of some surface parking lots, with a net gain in parking spaces.  Transportation needs were identified and analyzed in conjunction with the MTPO's update of the Year 2025 Long Range Transportation Plan.  The University Context Area (the geographic area for which impacts to public facilities and services are analyzed) has been expanded in the draft Plan.  Impacts to public facilities and services need to be addressed in the Campus Master Plan Development Agreement.
Fiscal Note
The City Commission hear a presentation on the draft University of Florida Comprehensive Master Plan, 2005-2015.
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission schedule a special hearing on the University of Florida Comprehensive Master Plan, 2005-2015 at a later date.

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