NW 5th Ave Improvements Phase II Design Contract (B)
The Gainesville Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) is committed to strengthening and affirming the significance of the NW 5th Ave corridor through on-going redevelopment initiatives in both the private and public realms. As part of this effort, the CRA has systematically pursued phased utility undergrounding along the entire corridor. Phase I of the NW 5th Ave Improvements Project, east of NW 6th Street, was completed in April 2008. Now the CRA is preparing to facilitate engineering design work for the next phase of the project, from NW 6th Street west to NW 10th St.
In March 2008 the Public Works Department (PWD) solicited statements of qualifications from professional engineering firms to provide services for capital improvement projects (CIP) (RFQ No. PWDA080041-DH). Included in the list of projects that consultants responded to were CRA projects, such as NW 5th Ave. The CRA Engineer, working with the PWD, served as a selection committee member, and assisted in the identification of qualified engineering firms to produce a short-list of consultants. In June 2008, the City Commission approved the PWD short-listed consultants and authorized the City Manager (or designee) to initiate contract negotiations and execution of contracts and associated documents for professional services in accordance with the Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act (CCNA).
The CRA and PWD are now working together with engineering consultants Brown and Cullen, Inc. to develop a scope and price proposal for the completion of 100% construction bid documents for Phase II of the NW 5th Ave Improvements Project. Brown and Cullen, Inc. was recently selected as a PWD consultant through the CIP RFQ process. In 2004, Brown and Cullen, Inc. was contracted to prepare a utility assessment report, summarizing utility information and coordination issues along the corridor. Already familiar with the project, the consulting firm is ready to begin design work to prepare 100% construction bid documents for this next phase.
The scope of work for Phase II of the NW 5th Ave Improvements project extends through the heart of the corridor and includes a revitalized streetscape of wider sidewalks with ADA compliancy, new clay brick crosswalks and sidewalks, utility undergrounding, and decorative pedestrian lighting. Such elements will help transform NW 5th Avenue into a showcase for the district and for the City as a whole. The price proposal for this contract is not to exceed $60,000 (including reimbursable items). Brown and Cullen's scope of work and price proposal is attached in the backup.
For this project, it is envisioned that the CRA and PWD will work together in close cooperation. The CRA will provide funding for 100% of the design contract, give direction on the design work, and approve invoices for payment through the PWD. The PWD will enter into contract with Brown and Cullen, Inc. to complete 100% construction bid documents, provide oversight throughout the design, and process payments for invoices.
Fiscal Note
$263,435 is available in the FAPS Primary Corridors - NW 5th Ave Streetscape (600-1000 BLK) account 9999-613-790-W68-W537-6030-5520. The Brown and Cullen, Inc. design contract to produce 100% construction bid documents is not to exceed $60,000.00. The CRA project number is FAPS-07.01-SC-9999.
CRA Executive Director to the CRA: 1) Approve of the expenditure of $60,000.00 to complete 100% construction bid documents for the NW 5th Ave Improvements Phase II Project.