Award of Proposal for Digital Broadcast Automation System Upgrade for Local Government Access Channel 12 on the Cox Communication Cable System. (B)
The City of Gainesville and Alachua County jointly operate Channel 12, a government access channel on the Cox Communication Cable System, under the provisions of current Cox Communication franchise agreements. The City and the County exercise joint responsibility for Channel 12 as specified by the current Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Gainesville and Alachua County for Government Access Television Channel Character Generation and Signal Switching. City and County staffs determined a need to upgrade existing cable channel equipment to enhance the system digital broadcast capability to improve operational functionality and quality of the broadcast signal. The upgrade includes a direct purchase from the sole source manufacturer for two (2) 360 Systems Image Servers, with a Digital Video Option and 170 hours of storage each for installation in Room 10, City Hall. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued in order to select an appropriate vendor to provide, install, and maintain the digital broadcast automation system hardware and software to operate the 360 Systems Image Servers.
On April 22, 2005, the Purchasing Division solicited proposals for the digital broadcast automation system upgrade for Local Government Access Channel 12 on the Cox Communication Cable System from 196 potential vendors, with 12 receiving the RFP. A total of three (3) proposals were received. After evaluation of the written proposals, staff recommends award of the contract to Encore Broadcast Equipment Sales Inc., Tampa, Florida.
Fiscal Note
Funds have been appropriated by the Commission, and are available in the Marketing and Communications Department FY2005 Budget. Cox Communication Refranchise Agreement funds (100% of total cost) will be used to pay for this project. As specified in the current Agreement, the County will pay 36.3 percent of the total cost of the upgrade, not to exceed $40,000. The total purchase cost for the 360 System Image Servers and additional digital broadcast automation system hardware and software provided by Encore Broadcast Equipment, Inc., is not to exceed $105,000. The City will invoice the County upon ordering the equipment and the County shall have 45 days to pay.
The City Commission: 1) approve the award of the proposal to Encore Broadcast Equipment Inc. for the purchase, installation, and maintenance of additional digital broadcast automation system hardware and software to operate the 360 Systems Image Servers at the local government access Channel 12 control room located in Room 10, City Hall; 2) authorize the Interim City Manager or designee to execute a contract with Encore Broadcast Equipment Inc., subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality, in a not to exceed amount of $70,000; and 3) authorize the issuance of a purchase order to 360 Systems Image Servers in an amount not to exceed $35,000.