Update on Redevelopment Projects and Development Agreements (NB)
Staff has been asked to provide an update on several redevelopment projects and development agreements under review. This update is a sampling of the many projects underway by the CRA, and is not a complete list.
Organization Updates:
Staff has started the process of redesigning a new website. Buster O'Connor of eye4 design has been hired to give the CRA three concepts for web styling. Those have been forwarded to staff. One concept will be selected and given to a web designing to implement on the new CRA website. All three designs include new ways to write CRA.
Development Agreements:
Gainesville Greens - Located at 104 Southwest 2nd Avenue. The City Commission approved an extension to the option of this site; a companion extension to the development agreement was approved by the CRA Board in June.
University House on 13th Street - Located at the northeast corner of Northwest 13th Street and Northwest 7th Avenue. The development agreement is being negotiated. A draft had been sent to the developer.
University Corners - Located on the west side of Northwest 13th Street between University Avenue and Northwest 3rd Avenue. The agreement is actively being worked on by Staff.
Project Updates:
Banners - The specialty banners for the celebration of the University of Florida 100 year anniversary in Gainesville were replaced with 28 original University Avenue and College Park area banners on June 16, 2007. A Purchase Order has been issued to a local printer (Sign by Tomorrow) for providing the remainder of missing banners along the University Avenue corridor. The banners will be installed by the end of July 2007.
Cotton Club - Located at 837 Southeast 7th Avenue. The Cotton Club fundraiser and announcement of architectural design services was held at the Harm Museum on May 24, 2007. Jay Reeves & Associates Inc. was the architectural firm chosen for the restoration of the Cotton Club. Two in kind donations were presented at the Fundraiser: Bearded Brothers donated twenty thousand bricks valued at $10,000 and Perry Roofing donated all labor for the roofing of the Cotton Club. Charles Chestnut also donated a parcel of property. On June 8, 2007, a groundbreaking ceremony was held at the Cotton Club site. Two additional fundraisers were held in June: the First Annual Juneteenth Festival & Juried Art show at Lincoln Park June 16-17, 2007 and the Juneeteneth Ball held June 19, 2007 at the University of Florida President's House.
Depot Park Area Master Plan -The kickoff for this project is contemplated to be August 22.
Depot Avenue Rail Trail - Glatting Jackson Design Inc. has completed the conceptual design for the Depot Avenue Rail Trail improvements. A quote was submitted from (G&J) to the CRA for the sum of $24,200 with $2,650.00 reimbursable expenses for construction documents, planning, design, and permitting services. After reviewing the proposal by the City Attorney and Purchasing Department, it was brought to CRA attention that the proposal needs further clarifications from (G&J). CRA is currently in the process of negotiating terms and conditions with Glatting Jackson Design Inc. noted by the City Attorney.
Fifth Avenue Historic Survey - Staff received a historic preservation grant for $10,000 to do a survey study on the Northwest 5th Avenue corridor. Staff is currently in the process of securing a historic preservation planner to oversee the project.
Fifth Avenue/Pleasant Street Underground Initiatives - The Fifth Avenue/Pleasant Street Underground Initiatives is a Community Redevelopment Agency partnership with GRU for underground conversion projects in the FAPS district. It was approved April 24, 2006. Brown & Cullen has completed preliminary engineering work for the CRA for the entire NW 5th Avenue Streetscape project. These preliminary design data will help facilitate the proposed phase 4 streetscape project which is from NW 6th St to NW 10th St. $160,966.00 was budgeted in the FY 2008 Fifth Avenue/Pleasant Street Amendatory Budget for streetscape improvements (W508).
Model Block House Site D - Located at 418 Northwest 4th Avenue. Carter Construction is in the remodeling process. Construction has begun, and there is a tentative completion date of October 2007.
Model Block Art Zone Pilot Project - Located at 412 Northwest 4th Avenue. The artwork has been completed and installed.
Northwest 1st Avenue Sidewalk Construction - City of Gainesville Public Works Department is currently constructing a 6 foot wide sidewalk along NW 1st Avenue from the 1700 to the 1900 block with an estimated cost of $65,000. The construction is almost 50% complete.
Northwest 5th Avenue Streetscape - Due to biding irregularities and high bids, Public Works is going to re-bid this
Project. The Request for Proposal is being prepared for release.
Northwest 5th Avenue Tot Lot - Located at 1007 Northwest 5th Avenue. The Parks Division has taken down the chain link fence and ordered the equipment. Construction is expected in August.
Porters Neighborhood - Staff is leading a multi-department effort to institute improvements in the Porters Neighborhood. Staff is currently drafting the scope for engineering feasibility studies which will examine SW 3rd Street and SW 5th Street, two major corridors in the neighborhood. Potential improvements to be examined under this study include lighting, street repair and resurfacing, installation of curb/gutter, sidewalks, drainage and utility improvements. Staff anticipates the feasibility studies will cost roughly $15,000 each and will be completed within about four months. The end result will produce a multiphase plan describing how a variety of improvements could be implemented along each corridor. In addition to this large-scale effort, Staff is also exploring more immediate solutions to neighborhood issues such as roadway and crosswalk striping, fence repair, increased code enforcement and police presence, and reopening of walled off streets.
Renaissance Lights on University from Waldo to SE 15th Street - SR 20 and SR 26 are state roads, the Department of Transportation required a permit application from the city, which is in process. The Renaissance lights have been ordered by GRU. Once DOT has finalized the permit, the removal of the concrete light poles will be scheduled and the construction will be underway.
Southeast 7th Street Lighting - This project is underway, and is scheduled to be complete within one month.
Southwest 5th Avenue Triangle - Located at the junction of Southwest 5th Avenue and Southwest 13th Street. Bid opening took place on May 3, 2007. Anglin Construction was the lowest bidder with a value of $169,500. On June 12, 2007, a change order for the sum of $4,950 was issued through the Gainesville Public Works Department to Anglin Construction Company for using clay brick pavers in lieu of concrete brick pavers as per contract specifications; this change order was approved at City Commission Meeting on June11, 2007. The material change and subsequent change order was a result of a detailed survey which was carried out by CRA staff through the City's recently landscaped areas, where both concrete and clay brick pavers were used. Clay brick pavers are by far superior in quality and permanent color fastness compared to concrete pavers. The Notice to Proceed was issued to the contractor on July 5, 2007. The project is scheduled to start on September 7, 2007 and be completed within 90 days.
Southwest 7th Avenue Improvements - The geotechnical report is now complete and JMJ is in the process of conducting a feasibility study for the CRA and Public Works in utilizing the SW 7th Avenue Corridor for the treatment of stormwater. The feasibility study will be completed within next 6 weeks. The stormwater potentially would be treated through an exfiltration system placed beneath the roadway and on street parking. Public Works is covering the cost of the professional services. Upon completion of the analysis, a decision will be made concerning the design component of the proposed roadway and parking improvements to SW 7th Avenue between 10th and 12th Streets.
Southwest 8th Avenue Streetscape Improvements - Public works will obtain an RFQ for design services through the Consultants Competitive Negotiations Act for projects over $1,000,000 by mid July 2007 and anticipate design to start by October 2007. The project is to allow for new sidewalks and parking spaces between 10th, and 12th Street, providing curb, gutter, sidewalk and parking spaces between 9th and 10th Street and allowing for cross walks halfway between 10th -12th and 12th-13th Street.
Southwest 13th Street Overpass - Location near the junction of Southwest 13th Street and Archer Road. Staff is preparing a design competition to release to the general public. This item will be on the August agenda.
Tumblin Creek Watershed Management Plan - A "final" copy of the recommendations and plans was sent to the CRA on May 7, 2007 for review and comments. CRA and Public Works Department staff met on Wednesday, June 27, 2007 to discuss consultant recommendations. It was agreed that the consultant should complete the study at this stage according to CRA and Public Works Department comments. CRA has requested the complete study be provided on CD for the College Park/University Heights Board Members.
University Avenue Improvements - CRA staff is planning to request design services for creating new bus shelters in the redevelopment districts. Public Works is completing limited survey work and obtaining easements for bus shelters and benches along the right of way. The consulting engineer is awaiting easement information from Public Works before completing construction plans in preparation for meeting with FDOT to obtain permits. Staff is obtaining quotes for replacing amenities. Staff re-bid the roadway median design services (due to large price discrepancies in the proposals received last month) and received a proposal from Zamia Design to design eight medians in CPUH and the Eastside District. Bellomo-Herbert has started work on streetscape standards revisions.
Fiscal Note
None at this time.
Executive Director to the CRA: Accept this update from staff.