Main Street Project (B)
This item is to provide information on the Florida Department of Transportation's three options for the Main Street Project.
Due to increases in construction costs, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is re-evaluating their current five year work program. This has prompted them to reconsider the scope of the Main Street project and its cost implications. In anticipation of the Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO) meeting at 7:30 pm on October 9, the following information is being provided for the City Commission's consideration.
The FDOT has provided the MTPO with three options for their consideration.
Option 1 has an estimated cost of $10.7 million and the FDOT would fully fund this Option. This would primarily be a milling/resurfacing project and replacement of the storm sewer system from University Avenue south to Depot Avenue. There is no storm sewer in the section from University Avenue north to N 8 Avenue. The existing typical section of four lanes with turn lanes would remain; where there is currently on-street parking along the section north of N 4th Avenue this parking would remain. FDOT will allow the City to continue with the on-street parking through the Downtown area on nights and weekends as we currently provide. Under this Option, FDOT would continue to own and maintain Main Street from Williston Road to N 8 Avenue.
Option 2 has estimated cost of $12.7 million and the FDOT would fully fund this Option. This option provides mill/resurface; storm sewer system replacement from University Avenue to Depot Avenue as well as bulb-outs and on-street parking from Depot Avenue to N 8 Avenue. The existing curb line would remain in-place except for locations where bulb-outs are being added. The roundabout would not be constructed at Depot Avenue and the section from University Avenue north to 8 Avenue would not be reconstructed. The roadway section would consist of two thru lanes, turn lane, bike lanes and on-street parking. Under this Option, the FDOT would transfer ownership of Main Street from Williston Road to University Avenue to the County and retain ownership from University Avenue to N 8 Avenue. The City would provide maintenance from Depot Avenue to University Avenue through an agreement with the County and from University Avenue to N 8 Avenue through an agreement with the FDOT. The County would provide maintenance from Williston Road to Depot Avenue.
Option 3 has an estimated cost of $16.9 million and the FDOT would provide $12.7 million only and expect the City to manage the project through a Joint Participation Agreement. This option provides the project as designed through the process to date including the roundabout at Depot Avenue, total reconstruction of Main Street from Depot Avenue to N 8 Avenue, replacement of the storm sewer system, narrowing the street width 6" on either side by reconstructing the curb line, installation of bulb-outs, installation of brick pavers at crosswalks, installation of wider sidewalks along the southern portion of the project, and installation of bus bays. The roadway section would result in two thru lanes, turn lane, bike lanes, and on-street parking for the entire project limits. Under this Option the ownership and maintenance would be transferred in the same manner as Option 2.
The MTPO requested information regarding maintenance costs associated with Main Street. In 2004, the County estimated their maintenance cost to be approximately $119,000 /year based on the need to mill and resurface Main Street from Williston Road to Depot Avenue every 15 years. Using this same approach, the City would incur approximately $31,316/year for that portion from Depot Avenue to University Avenue. The section of Main Street north of University Avenue to N 8 Avenue would remain on the state highway system so mill/resurfacing costs would continue to be FDOT responsibility. Typically the maintenance agreements that the City has entered with FDOT are for the work from the curb to the right of way limits. The City has current responsibility through a maintenance agreement to maintain that portion of the right of way through the Downtown area that currently has bricking and street trees, so I do not anticipate there being significant cost increases beyond what we currently experience.
The issue of maintenance costs being different depending on whether the street is reconstructed or if the street is mill/resurfaced was raised by the MTPO as well. The difference between these two approaches is really dependent on the quality of the base construction and whether there are environmental factors impacting the subgrade and base materials. Observing this roadway over the last twenty years, the base appears to be in good shape. There are virtually no areas that would indicate base failure. Therefore, the maintenance costs between these two approaches should be minimal.
The City does not have $4.2 million to fill the funding gap of Option 3. In addition, this is a major construction coordination project that will require dedicated resources for a significant period of time. For the City to manage this project, we would require additional project management and construction management staff.
The primary objectives of the Main Street project have been to mill/resurface the pavement; replace the inadequate, failing storm sewer; and to provide on-street parking through the Downtown area. In staff's opinion these objectives are met with Option 2 at a cost that the FDOT is committed to covering. It may also be possible for us to include the roundabout in the Depot Avenue project since the right of way has already been obtained. Staff recommends option 2.
Fiscal Note
If Option 2 is selected there will be no fiscal impact associated with the design and construction phases of the project. Maintenance cost will be provided by existing operating budgets.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission: 1) hear a presentation; and 2) support staff recommendation of option 2.