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File #: 090249.    Version: 0 Name: EASTSIDE AREA ANNEXATION (REVISED) (B)
Type: Ordinance Status: Adopted
File created: 8/6/2009 In control: City Attorney
On agenda: Final action: 8/10/2009
Title: EASTSIDE AREA ANNEXATION (REVISED) (B) Ordinance No. 0-09-43 An Ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, annexing a portion of the City of Gainesville Reserve Area; making certain findings; including within the corporate limits of the City of Gainesville, Florida, that certain compact and contiguous area located generally East of Morningside Nature Center Park on East University Avenue, South of N.E. 5th Avenue, West of N. E. 51st Street and S.E. 51st Street, also including Tax Parcel No. 16177-001-000, North of the northern boundary of Section 13, Township 10 South, Range 20 East, North of Lake View Estates Subdivision and North of S.E. 24th Avenue and East of SE 27th Street and the City Limits, as more particularly described in the ordinance; providing for inclusion of the area in Appendix I of the City Charter; providing for a referendum election; providing directions to the City Manager and Clerk of the Commission; providing ballot language; providing for land use plan a...
Attachments: 1. 090249_Eastside Annex Ordinance Rev_20090806.pdf, 2. 090249_Exhibit A to Eastside Ordinance_20090806.pdf, 3. 090249_ordinance_20090810.pdf
Ordinance No. 0-09-43
An Ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, annexing a portion of the City of Gainesville Reserve Area; making certain findings; including within the corporate limits of the City of Gainesville, Florida, that certain compact and contiguous area located generally East of Morningside Nature Center Park on East University Avenue, South of N.E. 5th Avenue, West of N. E. 51st Street and S.E. 51st Street, also including Tax Parcel No. 16177-001-000, North of the northern boundary of Section 13, Township 10 South, Range 20 East, North of Lake View Estates Subdivision and North of S.E. 24th Avenue and  East of SE 27th Street and the City Limits, as more particularly described in the ordinance; providing for inclusion of the area in Appendix I of the City Charter; providing for a referendum election; providing directions to the City Manager and Clerk of the Commission; providing ballot language; providing for land use plan and zoning regulations; providing for persons engaged in any occupation, business, trade or profession; providing a severability clause; and providing effective dates.
The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.
      The adoption of an annexation ordinance is the final stage in the annexation process under the provisions of the Alachua County Boundary Adjustment Act.  On July 20, 2009 and July 22, 2009, the City Commission held advertised public hearings and adopted the Urban Services Report as mandated by the Boundary Adjustment Act.
      At first reading of the ordinance adopting the Urban Services Report, the City Commission discussed reducing the size of the area proposed for annexation.  This ordinance proposes to annex the area that the City Commission approved at its meeting on July 28, 2009.
      The annexation ordinance proposes to annex a contiguous, compact, unincorporated portion of the reserve area.  The Boundary Adjustment Act requires the ordinance to be adopted as a nonemergency ordinance and to include one reasonably compact area.  The ordinance will be submitted to a vote of the registered electors for their approval.
      In the Ordinance the City Commission makes certain findings of fact related to the area proposed for annexation.  The area must meet certain standards as required by the Boundary Adjustment Act.  In this regard, your attention is drawn to Section 1 of this Ordinance and the presentation by the City Manager.
      The annexation is effective on June 1, 2010, unless there is a tie vote or majority vote against the annexation.  Sections 4, 5 and 6 of the Ordinance provide for the special referendum election which will be held on Tuesday, November 10, 2009.  The City Commission, in consultation with the Supervisor of Elections, is asked to determine whether to hold an election by mail ballot or at polling precincts within the proposed annexation area.
      Sections 7 and 8 of the Ordinance relate to special matters which may be of interest to the owners and residents and those persons engaged in any business or occupation.  The Alachua County land use plan and zoning or subdivision regulations will remain in effect until the City adopts a comprehensive plan amendment that includes the annexed area.  Those persons engaged in any occupation, business, trade or profession in the area proposed for annexation will have the right to continue their occupations, businesses, trades or professions and shall obtain an occupational license from the City of Gainesville for the term commencing on October 1, 2010.  Those persons engaged in the construction industry within the annexation area who possess a certificate of competency issued by Alachua County will be required to register with the City on or before 4:00 p.m. June 1, 2010 in order to continue their construction trade, occupation or business within the corporate limits of the City.

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