Agreement Between the City of Gainesville and Keep Alachua County Beautiful for FY2009 (B)
This item is a request for the City Commission to approve the execution of an agreement with Keep Alachua County Beautiful in the amount of $55,000.
Keep Alachua County Beautiful (KACB) is the sponsor of "The Great American Cleanup," "Trash Troopers," and other anti-litter/beautification activities. The Great American Cleanup is held the second or third Saturday in April of each year and recruits over 10,000 volunteers to pick up litter, remove graffiti, paint run-down buildings, clean up illegal dump sites, and otherwise beautify Gainesville, the other cities in Alachua County and the unincorporated area of Alachua County. Approximately 24 tons of litter and debris was removed from public rights-of-way and other areas within the city limits of Gainesville during the events associated with the April 2008 clean-up.
KACB was certified in 1995 as the local affiliate of Keep Florida Beautiful and Keep America Beautiful. The City of Gainesville has been a KACB member since the certification of this non-profit organization and has supported KACB with an annual contribution of either $15,000 or $20,000 for the past eight years. The City of Gainesville has also provided in-kind services ranging in value from approximately $12,000 to $15,000 each year in support of the Great American Cleanup activities. KACB returns $42 of value for every $1 of public funding.
The Agreement provides:
1. Contribution of up to $6,756.92 in in-kind services.
2. Payment of $15,000 to renew the City membership in Keep Alachua County Beautiful. In return, KACB will perform specified cleanup and beautification projects in coordination with the City Solid Waste and Parks Divisions. These projects include, but are not limited to: "The Great American Cleanup," graffiti removal, tree and shrub plantings, and public education programs for litter and graffiti prevention.
3. Payment of $10,000 for continued implementation of "The Beautiful Block Program." The Beautiful Block Program is necessary to recruit block captains from targeted neighborhoods and to provide guidance and tools to empower neighborhoods to keep their own blocks clean and beautiful.
4. Payment of $10,000 for the implementation of the "Gainesville Clean and Green Program." The Gainesville Clean and Green Program consist of the beautification improvements of specific medians to be designated by the City Manager through the Solid Waste Division Manager and other minor beautification projects as developed.
5. Reimbursement up to $20,000 for coordination of beautification services.
Fiscal Note
Funding in the amount of $55,000 is available in the adopted Public Works Department Solid Waste Division FY 2009 operating budget.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission authorize the City Manager to renew the contract with Keep Alachua County Beautiful for the period of October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2009, and execute all necessary documents.
Alternative Recommendation: The City Commission deny the request for this agreement and direct the City Solid Waste Division staff to perform the tasks of this agreement. This action will increase staff overtime expense and have a negative impact on daily work production and customer service delivery by Solid Waste.