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File #: 002258    Version: 0 Name: East Gainesville SPROUT Project - Community Involvement Plan for Depot Park Design (B)
Type: Discussion Item Status: Filed
File created: 1/14/2002 In control: City Manager
On agenda: Final action: 1/14/2002
Title: East Gainesville SPROUT Project - Community Involvement Plan for Depot Park Design (B)
Attachments: 1. 002258_Depot Park_20020114, 2. 002258_MCB Oil Company_20020114, 3. 002258_Park Design Meetings_20020114


East Gainesville SPROUT Project - Community Involvement Plan for Depot Park Design  (B)



Nationwide, residents affected by Brownfields redevelopment are often wary of the potential project impacts to the community.  To address community concerns, the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council developed in 1996 the Model Plan for Public Participation.  The Model Plan establishes guiding principles for developers of brownfields to encourage community participation in environmental decision-making and maintain honesty and integrity in the redevelopment process. 


Staff has been actively promoting community involvement in the SPROUT project in accordance with the Model Plan.  This fall, staff and ECT, Inc., presented information to the East Gainesville SPROUT Task Force regarding the CSX site investigation, risk assessment, feasibility study, stormwater design, and preliminary park concepts.  In September, the SPROUT Task Force approved a schedule of meetings during which citizens will be encouraged to comment on the feasibility study and conceptual park design.


The remediation feasibility study and park design tasks are currently at the forefront of community involvement.  Staff is promoting public input in the design process by holding a city-wide community design workshop scheduled for Saturday, January 26, 2002.  The workshop is a follow up to the previous neighborhood design processes conducted by the University of Florida last year.  Staff and City consultants will give community members an opportunity to voice their opinions on possible site cleanup approaches and three different park designs.  An outreach campaign to encourage community attendance of this workshop has been initiated using press releases, church bulletins, direct mail, radio spots, and websites.


Additional public meetings are planned.  In late January, the SPROUT Task Force will meet to evaluate the workshop feedback for its appropriateness in modifying the park design.  In late February, the Task Force will reconvene to review changes to the concepts based on community recommendations.  Staff anticipates that one concept will be selected at that time so that by mid-March, staff can return to the City Commission with a recommended park design.  Additional community meetings are anticipated in the future in connection with rezoning the park property and submitting a site plan for approval.


Fiscal Note

The park design task is funded by Brownfields grants from the State of Florida and United States Environmental Protection Agency.



The City Commission:  1) hear a presentation from Matt Dubé, CRA Projects Coordinator; and 2) take appropriate action.


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