Extensive Graffiti Abatement Program (B)
The CPUH Advisory Board directed staff to investigate the eligibility of the removal of large-scale graffiti under the façade grant program, when the graffiti is deemed too large for the current graffiti removal program. Staff determined that large-scale graffiti removal does not fall under the guidelines for eligibility for the façade grant program because the façade grant program is intended for permanent improvements that applicants are eligible for only once every five years. Due to the nature of graffiti, more frequent removal may be required, and the applicant may need to apply for assistance more often than every five years in order to preserve a graffiti-free appearance.
In order to address this problem, the CPUH board has recommended and Extensive Graffiti Abatement Program. This would be a matching grant program, with the CRA contributing 75%, and the property owner contributing 25% of the costs of the project, not to exceed a total project cost of $1,000. The applicant must also have a graffiti-resistant sealant applied to prevent future graffiti damage, which is included in the project cost cap. This program is recommended to be approved at the staff-level, with applications submitted as needed from the property owner. CPUH recommends that $5,000 be allocated to initiate the program.
This program could be implemented CRA-wide. Each district would need to fund the program separately. Staff recommends that $2,000 be budgeted for each of the remaining three districts.
Fiscal Note
In the CPUH district $5,000 could be taken from MY 618-790-W711-5520. In Downtown $2,000 could be taken from MY 610-790-W202-5520. In FAPS $2,000 could be taken from MY 613-790-W500-5520. In the Eastside $2,000 could be taken from MY 621-790-W905-5520.
College Park University Heights Redevelopment Advisory Board to the CRA: 1) Recommend the CRA establish an Extensive Graffiti Abatement Program for the entire district; 2) create an initial $5,000 budget for the project; and 3) staff to report the progress of the program six months after approval or when all of the allocated funds have been used.
Executive Director to the CRA: Recommend the CRA refer the program to the remaining three CRA districts for review.