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File #: 041289    Version: 0 Name: "Get Downtown" Banner Series (B)
Type: Discussion Item Status: To Be Introduced
File created: 5/16/2005 In control: Community Redevelopment Agency
On agenda: Final action: 5/16/2005
Title: "Get Downtown" Banner Series (B)
Attachments: 1. 041289 Get Downtown Report.pdf
"Get Downtown" Banner Series (B)                                               
At the February 2005 CRA meeting the saw proposed banners for a Downtown banner program.  While DRAB recommended several stock banners to keep program costs lower the CRA believed that a custom banner would be more reflective of Gainesville and asked DRAB and staff to explore other options.
The "Get Downtown" banner series is being presented as part of a larger promotional campaign that would include image-building print ads in the Gainesville Sun.  Staff has been working on strengthening the daytime market (noon to 5pm) and the evening market (5pm to 9pm).  The first "Out to Lunch" event, held on April 28th was well received with five restaurants participating in the box lunch offerings.  Each of the four banner styles was designed with the target market in mind and specific colors were selected to reinforce the theme.  The matching print ads would be used to support a full range of businesses and activities within the Downtown area.  The print ads will be launched around the time that the banners are installed.
The "Get Entertained" banners were designed using the color red which research has shown evokes a positive emotional response and a feeling of happiness.  Red is often used in restaurants.  The "Get Entertained" print ads would support restaurants, clubs, and shopping.  "Get Cultured" would support theater, art galleries, and events.  
The "Get Connected" banners were designed using the color blue which research has shown people to associate with technology.  The matching print ads would support the wireless internet access, library services and government activities.  
The "Get Downtown" banners were designed using the color green which research has shown represents growth.  Given the changes the downtown is experiencing growth as the key overall message.  The "Get Downtown" print ads would talk about overall reasons to come downtown.  Each ad in the entire series would stress the availability of parking and promote the parking garages.
The "Get Cultured" banners were designed using the color orange which research has shown people associate with higher learning. The "Get Cultured" print ads would support theater, art galleries, gardens and historic resources.  
DRAB approved the banners at their April meeting and staff conducted a focus group of City employees who represented the target market.  The members of the focus group approved of the concept and they liked the color choices.  The group felt they would brighten up the downtown area and create a sense of excitement.
Initially, DRAB had envisioned a decorative banner program within the downtown, with the banners being changed four times a year.  The program envisioned the addition of UF banners in the fall, holiday banners during the winter and patriotic banners in the spring.  Since UF is currently re-branding and the rework of the initial banners has been postponed several months DRAB is recommending the "Get Downtown" banner series be put in place until late winter when the banners would be replaced with holiday banners.  UF banners could be added in Fall 06 after the re-branding is completed.
This initial purchase of the "Get Downtown" series will begin the program.  Additional banners will be purchased over the next few months.  DRAB is recommending the purchase of 50 sets of banner brackets for $3,450,
60 banners for $3,500 and shipping cost of roughly $350 for a not to exceed cost of $7,300.
Fiscal Note
The Downtown increment was $20,267 higher than anticipated.  From those funds the CRA has already appropriated $8,000 for sidewalk pressure washing and $1,650 for parking print ads leaving $9,650 that could be used to fund the banners.
Downtown Redevelopment Advisory Board to the CRA:  Recommend approval of the "Get Downtown" banner designs (including banner arms) at a cost of $ 7,300.

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