Summer Heat-Wave 2008 (NB)
Summer Heat-Wave 2008 is designed to provide a well-rounded summer recreational and educational program for at-risk youth that will include both middle and high school aged students.
The City of Gainesville has experienced several incidents of youth violence between late April to June 30, 2008. These incidents involved youth from rival communities and, in some instances, they involved factions of hybrid youth gangs. Citizens of Gainesville, civic organizations--such as the Black on Black Crime Task Force, and private groups--such as the Jennings group, the Gainesville Housing Authority and Neighborhood Watch organizations have collaborated with Gainesville Police Department and Alachua County to create an alternative activity for youth. Our focus will be on youth who, primarily due to age and income, may not be eligible for already established summer enrichment camps. The strategy that was devised is a three-pronged model, which includes strategies to address the entire population (local communities and neighborhoods), with messages and programs aimed at preventing youth violence. The Summer Heat-Wave program will provide both life-skills training and recreational and social activities designed to engage the aforementioned population. This strategy is in concert with the Gainesville Police Department's goal of addressing youth violence through prevention, intervention and suppression of violent activity. The program will provide approximately 150 participants with stipends to attend City of Gainesville Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Summer Day Camp programs and RTS bus passes to provide travel to and from the day camps. Alachua County has provided $120,000 towards the program and the City of Gainesville's contribution consists of 150 RTS monthly bus passes for two months, Gainesville Police Department security for special events and stipends for 150 program participants to attend a six week Summer Day Camp program.
Fiscal Note
Funding for the City of Gainesville's contribution consists of a request for $9,000 in City Commission Contingency Funds to cover the cost of 150 RTS monthly bus passes for a two month period and an in-kind contribution consisting of the Gainesville Police Department providing security service for special events valued at $9,000 and stipends for 150 program participants to attend a six week City of Gainesville Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Summer Day Camp program valued at $36,900. The City Commission Contingency Fund as of June 19, 2008 is $51,845.
The City Commission approve City Commission Contingency Funds in the amount of $9,000 to cover the cost of 300 RTS monthly bus passes and authorize the in-kind donations for this program.
Alternative Recommendation:
The City Commission deny the request.