General Engineering and Consultation Services (B)
Staff recommends approval of the listing of qualified architectural, engineering and consultation firms and authorization to negotiate contracts with those firms in accordance with the Consultants Competitive Negotiations Act for required services.
Historically various engineering and technical areas within GRU have required external resource augmentation to perform certain designs and studies. This augmentation has been used when internal resources were already being fully utilized, the internal technical capabilities were not available or there was need for third party input. In the past, this augmentation has been accomplished by individual operating divisions contracting with appropriate engineering firms selected in accordance with CCNA and under an established PSA.
Utilities Purchasing issued a Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSQ) to thirty-six architectural, engineering and consulting firms and posted the RFSQ on GRU's web site. Twenty-four firms responded and were evaluated based on qualifications. The list of those firms and their discipline is attached.
Staff recommends authorizing the General Manager, or his designee, to negotiate five year PSAs with as many of the listed qualified firms as deemed necessary to provide the professional architectural, engineering and consultation services required by GRU. The PSAs will contain standard terms and conditions and include the negotiated labor rate sheet. Labor rates may be adjusted annually with the concurrence of GRU.
The scope of services to be negotiated will include, but not be limited to, architectural, engineering, and consultation services as detailed in the RFSQ. These consulting services will be utilized to supplement Utility wide in-house design and professional staff in support of specific City Commission budget approved Capital Improvement projects or other projects that may emerge.
GRU will award work to the firms selected on a project specific basis. GRU will award each project based upon an evaluation of the firm's understanding of the project scope, the firm's specific expertise or ability to complete the project, as well as the project completion time and cost as reflected by proposed level of effort. Staff will issue separate requests for professional services when it is deemed to be in GRU's best interest. For projects with a construction cost estimated to exceed one million dollars, a separate RFSQ will be issued; requesting project specific submittals from the list of qualified professionals the rank order will be submitted to the City Commission for approval.
There are eighteen current PSAs that will expire on September 30, 2008. Staff requests authorization to extend the term on these PSAs on a short term basis in the event services are required prior to the execution of new PSAs.
The City Commission: 1) approve the listing of qualified architectural, engineering and consultation firms for the provision of design or consultation services associated with Utility System facilities and City Commission approved Capital Improvement Projects or unexpected projects that may emerge from time to time; 2) authorize the General Manager, or his designee, to initiate contract negotiations with the qualified firms in accordance with the Consultants Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA); and 3) authorize the General Manager, or his designee, upon successful negotiations, to execute professional services agreements (PSAs) for a five year period, subject to approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality, in an amount not to exceed budgeted amounts for professional architectural, engineering or consultation services.
Fiscal Note
Funding for the projects for which design or consultation services are required have been budgeted in the Capital Improvements Budgets of Utility departments requiring these services for fiscal year 2008/2009 and will be budgeted in future years as required.
Prepared by Kathy E. Viehe, Assistant General Manager, Customer Support Services
Submitted by Robert E. Hunzinger, General Manager