Ordinance No. 0-05-47; Petition 195TCH-04 PB
An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, establishing the Special Area Plan Overlay Zoning District for an area within the Plan East Gainesville urban area hereafter known as the Five Points Area; adopting a special area plan for this area; providing specific regulations; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; and providing an immediate effective date.
The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.
This petition proposes to establish a new special area plan overlay zoning district to partly implement Plan East Gainesville (PEG), a Plan which was approved by the City of Gainesville and Alachua County in 2003.
The highlight strategy articulated by PEG was the "need for focused development and a signature project created in a manner that supports existing residents and local businesses, and leverages private investment." The primary foundation for attaining this leverage is to establish a special area plan to "provide a tiered land use framework to organize land uses in a way that supports the vision. It focuses on the creation of compact, walkable, mixed-use centers..."
PEG concludes by stating that "providing an appropriate land use mixture is not sufficient to create a walkable, transit-supportive community. The design characteristics of an area are a significant determinant of how the area will function." PEG goes on to find that "one of the primary challenges facing East Gainesville is the lack of a definable focal point, or center of activity...the area is largely without a strong organizing structure of land use patterns that promote civic pride and attract private investment...such a critical mass [derived from a definable center] can contribute to increases in property values, which, in turn, results in additional revenue for capital improvements. A lack of gathering places also limits the effectiveness of public transportation to meet people's daily needs, and contributes to an inconvenient and potentially unsafe pedestrian environment. These problems must be overcome if East Gainesville is to reach its potential. The purpose of the PEG design guidelines is to articulate the desirable urban form that promotes a pedestrian scale of development and improved accessibility to public transportation. The design guidelines are intended to encourage new development to meet community expectations in terms of the vision for walkable, mixed-use centers that enhance the character of the area and provide increased opportunities for economic activity and destinations that serve local residents...as such, the design focus in each area will vary. For example, one objective is to strengthen the connection of East Gainesville's urban center at Five Points to Gainesville's successful redevelopment efforts in the downtown central business district. In the suburban district, the design standards need to reflect the strong regional roadway network that supports economic development opportunities near the Gainesville Regional Airport...in the rural area, clustered development of residential with neighborhood, or ecotourism uses, can help balance a diversity of housing stock with maintenance of natural lands."
One important step in the process of implementing PEG is to revise City Development Regulations.
This petition proposes to do that by establishing a new regulatory framework for East Gainesville. Ultimately, the City may wish to consider targeted rezonings and land use changes to further assist in the achievement of objectives and policies called for by PEG-in particular, the incremental rezoning to mixed-use and higher density in and near Five Points.
Public notice was published in the Gainesville Sun on January 4, 2005. The Plan Board held a public hearing January 20, 2005 and March 17, 2005. Planning Division staff recommended that the Plan Board approve the petition. The Plan Board recommended that the City Commission approve Petition 195TCH-04 PB. Plan Board vote 6-0.
Petition 195TCH-04 PB, as heard by the Plan Board, contained the regulation/requirements for this special area plan, as well as the property to be included in the special area plan. This ordinance, if adopted, states the regulation for the area. A separate ordinance (ordinance 0-05-69) will impose the zoning on the properties to be included in the special area plan. Both ordinances require two public hearings. Should the Commission adopt the ordinance on first reading, the second and final reading will be held on Monday, August 8, 2005.
fiscal note