Transfer of Funds for Demolitions (NB)
This item requests the City Commission approval for the transfer of funds from the City Commission Contingency Fund to the Code Enforcement Division to cover needed demolitions and lot clears for the remainder of FY2006.
At its September 26, 2005 meeting the City Commission approved a contract with Florida Concrete Recycling, Inc. to provide administrative abatement of dangerous buildings through demolitions. Since October 1, 2005, nine buildings have been demolished, representing a total of $39,305 expended from the FY05 budget cycle. There are 12 buildings needing demolition at this point. These buildings represent an estimated $64,000 in additional funds for FY2006.
The approved budget for lot clearing is $6,000. Five vacant lots have been cleared at a cost of $3,229. There are four lots pending with an anticipated cost of $5,587. An additional $13,000 is needed to cover the cost of additional lot clears for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Fiscal Note
Funds in the amount of $35,000 are requested from the City Commission Contingency Fund to cover the highest priorities of these remaining needed demolitions and lot clears for the remainder of FY2006. $30,000 will be utilized for demolition of the highest priority dangerous buildings and $5,000 will be added to the lot clear budget. The others will be done when next fiscal year's funds become available on October 1, 2006. Upon completion of each lot clear or demolition, owners are billed, and if they do not pay, are liened.
The City Commission authorize the City Manager or designee to transfer $35,000 from the City Commission Contingency Fund to the Code Enforcement Division Contractual Service account to maintain demolitions and lot clears for the remainder of FY2006, and authorize staff to increase the purchase orders for the demolitions and lot clear contracts.
Alternate Recommendation A
The City Commission authorize the City Manager or designee to transfer $ 25,000 from the City Commission Contingency Fund to the Code Enforcement Division Contractual Service account to fund additional demolitions and lot clears for the remainder of FY2006, and authorize staff to increase the purchase orders for the demolitions and lot clear contracts.
Alternate Recommendation B
The City Commission take no action.