Re-Bid: Resurfacing of Eight Tennis Courts at Westside Park (B)
The City of Gainesville Parks Division is requesting that the eight tennis courts located at Westside Park be resurfaced due to normal wear and tear and for future safety issues.
On June 7, 2006 the City of Gainesville Parks Division sent out Invitation to Bid packets to seven vendors for the resurfacing of the eight tennis courts located at Westside Park. The resurfacing also includes Armor Crack Repair System which entails cleaning out all court cracks to remove dirt and debris and then filling the cracks so everything is smooth prior to resurfacing. This crack repair system also helps to minimize any large surface cracking in the future. The last time the courts were resurfaced was in 1998 and the resurfacing schedule for those busy courts should be every four to five years.
The seven vendors invited to bid were Welch Tennis, Arrowhead Enterprises, Court Surfaces, SNG Pavement Marking, Inc., Anglin Construction, SL Construction & Remodeling, Inc., and Holton Construction Co., Inc.
A mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting was held on June 16, 2006 at 9:00 a.m. at Westside Park. Out of the seven vendors that were invited, only Court Surfaces, Inc. and Anglin Construction attended the Pre-Bid Meeting, and subsequently submitted bid packets. Court Surfaces bid was $34,600 for the tennis courts and $5,800 for the Armor Crack Repair System resulting in a bid total of $40,400. Anglin Construction's bid was $36, 700 for the tennis courts and $10,800 for the Armor Crack Repair System resulting in a bid total $47,500.
Fiscal Note
Funds for this project are available in account number 999-335-850-C377-5720-6030.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission approve staff's selection of Court Surfaces, Inc. to perform the work necessary to complete the project of resurfacing the eight tennis courts at Westside Park and authorize the City Manager to execute the Purchasing Agreements/Contracts, as needed".
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission deny the request. If denied and funds are not made available, the city may have to close the courts (at some point in the future) if court conditions become such that they are unsafe to play on.