Ordinance No. 0-00-60, Petition No. 149ZON-00PB
An Ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida; rezoning certain lands within the City and amending the Zoning Map Atlas from the zoning categories of certain properties annexed into the City from the Alachua County zoning categories to City of Gainesville zoning categories as follows: 1) from "C-1, conservation district" to "CON: Conservation district" on Tax Parcel Nos. 06006-000-000, 06006-001-000, 06022-000-000, 06021-000-000 and 06023-003-001; 2) from "Agricultural districts" and "BA, BA-1, business, automotive" to "OF: General office district" on Tax Parcel Nos. 06022-002-000 and 06022-001-000; 3) from "R-1a, single-family, low density (one to four dwelling units per acre)" to "RSF-1: 3.5 units/acre single-family residential district" on Tax Parcel Nos. 06023-040-001 thru 074 inclusive; 4) from "Agricultural districts" to "ED: Educational services district" on Tax Parcel 06020-002-000; and 5) from "Agricultural districts" to "AGR: Agriculture district" on Tax Parcel No. 06023-003-002; consisting of approximately 367 acres, located in the vicinity of N.W. 43rd Street north of N.W. 53rd Avenue; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.
The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.
The City of Gainesville annexed a 371-acre area (the "Ashton Annexation") in the northwest portion of the Gainesville Urban Area in 1999.
This area must be brought into conformance with the City's Future Land Use Element and Land Development Regulations. This requires amending the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map Atlas to include the annexed area. This petition amends the City's Zoning Map Atlas to include all but 4-acres of the annexed area, and is related to Petition 147LUC-99PB. The 4-acre parcel was withdrawn from this petition at the request of the owner (University of Florida Foundation), in order to allow them to negotiate the sale of the property based on the Alachua County's land use and zoning.
The Plan Board reviewed the petition and found that the proposed zoning districts are suitable and compatible with the existing and potential future uses of the annexed area, and recommends approval.
Public notice was published in the Gainesville Sun on April 4, 2000. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on April 5, 2000. The Plan Board held a public hearing April 20, 2000. Planning Division staff recommended that the Plan Board approve the petition. The Plan Board recommended that the City Commission approve Petition 149ZON-99 PB. Plan Board vote 6-0.