Amend the University Heights Special Area Plan Map from Residential High to Planned Use located at 1231 Southwest 3rd Avenue. Petition 179ZON-04 PB (Related to Petitions 154LUC-04 PB and 155PDV-04 PB). (B)
This is a request to change the Land Use and Building Type Matrix Map of the University Heights Special Area Plan. This change is required so that the overlay district map will be consistent with the proposed land use change in Petition 154LUC-04 PB. The proposed change will affect tax parcels 13074 and a portion of 13078 consisting of lots 3, 4, 5 and the northern one-half of lot 2, Block Four of University Heights, comprising 0.68 acres.
The Special Area Plan shows the subject property as Residential High (8-100 units per acre), which is the existing land use. That Special Area Plan designation also excludes Main Street Buildings, Office Buildings and Civic Buildings. According to the Residential High Density Land Use Category, secondary retail and office uses may be allowed but shall not exceed 25% of the proposed residential floor area. The petitioner has requested that the Special Area Plan Building Type Matrix be amended to Planned Use District, the new designation for the subject parcel.
Due to a proposed development exceeding the 25% limit, a request to amend the land use and zoning has been submitted for consideration. This petition is contingent upon approval of those land use and zoning amendment petitions.
The Plan Board heard the petition and recommended that it be approved, with staff conditions.
Public notice was published in the Gainesville Sun on April 5, 2005. Letters were mailed to surrounding property owners on April 6, 2005. The Plan Board held a public hearing April 21, 2005.
Fiscal Note
City Plan Board to City Commission - The City Commission approve Petition 179ZON-04 PB, with conditions. Plan Board vote 5-0
Staff to Plan Board - Approve, with conditions.