Twelfth Amendment to the Contract for Professional Consulting Services for the East Gainesville Sprout Project (B)
This item involves a request for the City Commission to approve additional services and compensation for consulting services for the project.
This amendment is for additional work performed/to be performed by Environmental Consulting Technology, Inc. related to the "Depot Park" project for the site analyses, development plans and specifications and other services during construction for Phase 1 construction (West Pond and RTS pond). This amendment is necessary to adjust the budget for professional services to include work completed to date and allow for completion of a variety of tasks presented on the summary titled Depot Park - Proposed Amendment # 12, dated October 31, 2005. This adjustment also shifts project allocated budget between tasks where under/over runs were experienced as demonstrated on 'Cost Distribution Form - October 2005'.
Fiscal Note
The cost of additional services will be split between Gainesville Regional Utiltities Gas Utility Fund and the City of Gainesville Stormwater Utility Fund in the amounts of $90,912 and $279,676, respectively. Funding for the stormwater and remediation work is available from the State Revolving Fund loan obtained for the project.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission: 1) accept the additional work described for the project, 2)authorize the City Manager or designee to execute Amendment # 12, and 3) to increase the current purchase order by $370,588 for an amount not to exceed $2,296,667.
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission: 1) accept the additional work for the dewatering activities as outlined in item 5.2.3 for the project, 2) authorize the City Manager or designee to execute Amendment # 12 that includes only item 5.2.3 and to increase the current purchase order by $150,306 for an amount not to exceed $2,076,385, and 3) refer the balance of the request back to staff for further analysis. Funding for the stormwater work would remain available from the State Revolving Fund loan obtained for the project.
Alternative Recommendation B: The City Commission refer the request back to staff for further review. The fiscal impact will be deferred with this action.