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File #: 070149.    Version: 0 Name: Update on Redevelopment Projects and Development Agreements (B)
Type: Staff Recommendation Status: On Consent Agenda
File created: 6/18/2007 In control: Community Redevelopment Agency
On agenda: Final action: 6/18/2007
Title: Update on Redevelopment Projects and Development Agreements (B)
Attachments: 1. 070149_20070618 FAPS Art Zone Pilot Project.pdf


Update on Redevelopment Projects and Development Agreements (B)



Staff has been asked to provide an update on several redevelopment projects and development agreements under review.  This update is a sampling of the many projects underway by the CRA, and is not a complete list.


Organization Updates:


Staff has started the process of seeking services for a new website.  Staff is currently finalizing a contract with Buster O'Connor from eye4 design.  The initial scope of their work will be inclusive of graphic styling for the new CRA website.  The second phase of the web project will include finding a web firm that will apply that web styling work to a new website.


Development Agreements:


Camden Court - The development agreement has been signed.


Gainesville Greens - The development agreement is on the CRA agenda for a proposed extension.


University House on 13th Street - The development agreement is being negotiated.


University Corners - The agreement is actively being worked on by Staff.


Hampton Inn/Lot 9 -This item will be on the July 16, 2007 CRA agenda to discuss outstanding items such as staging and the revised incentive request.


Project Updates:


Banners - Staff is beginning to work to replace misplaced banners and ones that are out of order on University Avenue.  New banners will be ordered that are identical to the current design on University Avenue.  The same specifications will also be followed.  The University of Florida will begin the process of replacing the 100 year anniversary banners with existing banners taken down for that purpose shortly.


Depot Park Area Master Plan -The contract is being worked on by the purchasing department along with staff.


Lot 13 Solid Waste Project - Waste Management will be continuing to provide service to the dumpsters on Lot 10 until the compactor at Lot 13 is constructed when Gainesville Greens begins development.


Model Block House Site D - Currently under construction. 


Model Block Art Zone Pilot Project - The artwork has been completed and installed.


Northwest 5th Avenue Streetscape - Public Works opened the bids and is reviewing them at this time.  The bids were not accepted.  The technical specifications will be updated and the new plans will be re-bid. 


Northwest 5th Avenue Tot Lot - The Parks Division has taken down the chain link fence and ordered the equipment. Construction is expected in July.


Porters Neighborhood - Staff is leading a multi-department effort to institute improvements in the Porters Neighborhood.  Staff is currently drafting the scope for engineering feasibility studies which will examine SW 3rd Street and SW 5th Street, two major corridors in the neighborhood.  Potential improvements to be examined under this study include lighting, street repair and resurfacing, installation of curb/gutter, sidewalks, drainage and utility improvements.  Staff anticipates the feasibility studies will cost roughly $15,000 each and will be completed within about four months.  The end result will produce a multiphase plan describing how a variety of improvements could be implemented along each corridor.  In addition to this large-scale effort, Staff is also exploring more immediate solutions to neighborhood issues such as roadway and crosswalk striping, fence repair, increased code enforcement and police presence, and reopening of walled off streets.  


Southwest 5th Avenue Triangle - The bidding for construction of this project is complete.  Public Works and Purchasing reviewed the bids the City Commission approved at the June 11, 2007 City Commission meeting.  Construction is expected to occur during this summer.


Southwest 7th Avenue Improvements - JMJ engineering is in the process of conducting a feasibility study for the CRA and Public Works in utilizing the SW 7th Avenue Corridor for the treatment of stormwater.  Potentially, the stormwater would be treated through an exfiltration system placed beneath the roadway and on-street parking.


Southwest 8th Avenue Streetscape Improvements - Public works will obtain estimates for design services through the Consultants Competitive Negotiations Act for projects over $1,000,000, by this spring.


Small and Minority Businesses - The CRA Manager met with the City's Small & Minority Business Development and Procurement Coordinator to discuss how the Local Small Business Procurement Program could be tied in to the CRA's procurement.  Staff will continue to discuss methods of increasing local small & minority business participation in CRA projects.


Tumblin Creek Watershed Management Plan - A "final" copy of the plan was sent to the CRA on May 7, 2007 to review and provide comment.  A joint meeting of the Public Works, City Attorney, and CRA will occur this month to discuss the plan and potential options.         


University Avenue Improvements - Staff researched and received quotes on new bus shelters in coordination with RTS. Public Works is working on obtaining easements along the right of way.  Consulting engineer is completing construction plans in preparation for meeting with FDOT. Staff obtained two proposals for roadway median designs along University Avenue in the Eastside and College Park/University Heights Districts and plans to review with the respective boards.  Staff submitted a contract for Bellomo-Herbert streetscape standards revision for approvals.


Waldo Road Signs - The CRA referred this item concerning the signage issue raised by the EDUCC (Economic Development University Community Committee) to the ERAB in April 2007.  Erik Bredfeldt, Economic Development Director for the City of Gainesville, gave a presentation to the Eastside Redevelopment Advisory Board at its May meeting. The advisory board requested additional information regarding signage regulations to be brought back for discussion at a future date.


Fiscal Note

None at this time.



Executive Director to the CRA:  Receive update from staff.


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