Hogtown Creek Sewer Interceptor Phase V-A (B)
This portion of the Hogtown Creek Sewer Interceptor is an existing ductile iron sewer main located beneath NW 16th Avenue. The portion of the gravity sewer interceptor currently being considered for rehabilitation includes a 12 inch sewer main in the 2700 block of NW 16th Avenue. The sewer main has exceeded its expected life and is subject to internal corrosion, breaks, and groundwater infiltration. The proposal also includes the installation and operation of a temporary wastewater bypass pump and above ground force main.
Also included in this rehabilitation project is an existing 8 inch vitrified clay sewer main located on SE 2nd Street from SE 2nd Avenue to SE 2nd Place. The sewer main has exceeded its expected life and is subject to breaks, groundwater infiltration and potential failure. This sewer main is located beneath an existing brick road. Replacement of the sewer mains using conventional open trench methods would require the removal and replacement of the roadways.
Lining the sewer mains with a cured-in-place resin impregnated liner provides a viable and cost effective alternative for the rehabilitation of the sewer main. The Insituform lining of the sewer main will provide increased structural integrity, eliminate internal corrosion and eliminate infiltration of ground water into the sewer system which can exceed the existing gravity system capacity and could result in ground settlement, damage to existing roadway, and ultimate failure of the system. Infiltration also significantly reduces the wastewater collection and treatment system's capacity as well as increasing pumping and treatment costs. These projects are part of an on-going project to reduce infiltration and inflow in the wastewater collection system.
Proposals were obtained from two firms qualified to perform these services. Insituform Technologies, Inc. was the low bidder. A bid tabulation is attached for your reference.
The recommended amount of $31,000.00 includes a 10% contingency for additional materials and labor, which may be required to complete the work.
The City Commission authorize the issuance of purchase order(s) to Insituform Technologies, Inc. for the rehabilitation of 301 linear feet of 12 inch gravity sewer main in the Hogtown Creek Sewer Interceptor, and for the rehabilitation of 238 linear feet of 8 inch gravity sewer main in SE 2nd Street, in an amount not to exceed $31,000.00.
Fiscal Note
Moneys for this project are available in the Gravity System Renewal and Replacement category of the Wastewater Capital Improvements Budget for fiscal year 1999/00.
Prepared by: Stephen L. Ball, Director Water & Wastewater Engineering
Submitted by: Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager