I-75 Relief Task Force (B)
This item is a referral from the General Policy Committee regarding potential future transportation investments by the Florida Department of Transportation in Alachua County.
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) convened the I-75 Relief Task Force to evaluate alternatives for relief strategies to the I-75 corridor. The Task Force held its final meeting on August 11, 2016 to finalize their recommendations to the FDOT. The General Policy Committee heard a presentation from staff on August 25, 2016 outlining the outcome of the Task Force proceedings and referred the item to the City Commission for action recommending that a letter be submitted to the Task Force chair indicating the City’s support for investments in the local roadway system, including the funding of the SW 62nd Blvd connector; requesting consideration for a reduction of the I-75 speed limit through the City’s urban area; and, requesting investments in enhanced multimodal connectivity between the City urban core and the potential future rail improvements along US301.
The General Policy Committee inquired about the selection of the US301 rail corridor over other available options in the area. Although not specifically stated in the available task force documentation (<http://www.i75relief.com/documents.html>) it appears that this rail line provides a direct and continuous link through the study focus area, between Hernando County and Alachua County, see study area map in Appendix A. Other rail corridors in Alachua County are shorter in length and not contiguous. The preliminary framework for the study (draft dated June 6, 2016, available online) specifically mentions improvements of freight rail capacity and connectivity along the CSX S-line, and the provision of multimodal options for long-distance travel by passengers via intercity bus and rail services and through enhanced connections between regional and local public transportation systems.
Fiscal Note
There is no fiscal impact associated this item.
The City Commission authorize the Mayor to sign a letter to the I-75 Relief Task Force chair outlining the City’s preference for future transportation investments in the area.