Renovation for GRUCom Central Equipment Hub (B)
Currently GRUCom's main equipment hub is located on the ground floor of the GRU Administration Building in a room originally constructed to house the GRU computer equipment. In response to growth in the telecommunications market, GRUCom's equipment has increased to the point that the computer room has reached its capacity. An expansion of the computer room is not a reasonable option because of its location within the building. In addition, the Administration Building was not considered to be the best location for the central office, because the equipment hub needs to be located closer to the BellSouth Gainesville Main Central Office and the points-of-presence (POP) of the major inter-exchange carriers serving the Gainesville market.
In consideration of these issues, on April 29, 1999 the City Commission authorized the purchase of a 3800 ft2 building located at 301 SW 5th Street (formerly Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics, Inc.). The building's centralized location allows for more diverse route protection on GRUCom provisioned circuits and allows GRUCom to offer high speed transport services from the hub to the other carriers located within the same area. In addition, the building provides additional space for future telecommunications equipment, as well as rental space for other service providers to co-locate their telecommunications equipment.
In order to reduce the level of uncertainty associated with the renovation of an existing building, the renovation was split into two separate and distinct phases. Phase I included the demolition of the interior, after which the building would be closely surveyed and the renovation design would be tailored around the existing conditions. The architectural firm of Anglin-Cavallino Architects assisted staff in the development of the demolition plans. Phase I was bid and a contract for the demolition work in the amount of $14,300 was awarded to AMJ Construction, Inc. on April 18, 2000. Upon completion of the interior demolition, the architectural and engineering team surveyed the structure and then proceeded with the development of the renovation plans, which also considered proposed future land uses in the area. It was determined that renovation would consist of a new standing seam metal hip-style roof, computer room heating ventilation and air conditioning units, in-building electric distribution system, stand-by electric generation, synthetic stucco exterior finish and insulation system, landscaping and storefront glazing.
Utilities Purchasing issued an Invitation to Bid for the renovation work to thirteen (13) local contractors and seven (7) contractors responded. A tabulation of the bids is attached for your reference.
The City Commission: 1) authorize the General Manager or his designee to execute a contract with Joyner Construction, Inc. to renovate a City-owned building (former offices of Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics, Inc.) for use as the central equipment hub for GRUCom, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality; and 2) approve the issuance of a purchase order to Joyner Construction, Inc. in an amount not to exceed Eight Hundred Thirty-six Thousand Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($836,350.00).
Fiscal Note
Funds for this construction project are included in the GRUCom System Capital Budget.
Prepared by: Ed Regan, Director of Strategic Planning
Submitted by: Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager