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File #: 090353.    Version: 0 Name: Subrecipient Agreement with the Alachua County Housing Authority for the administration of the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (B)
Type: Staff Recommendation Status: Passed
File created: 9/17/2009 In control: City Manager
On agenda: Final action: 9/17/2009
Title: Subrecipient Agreement with the Alachua County Housing Authority for the administration of the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (B) This agenda item requests the City Commission to approve the execution of a Subrecipient Agreement for the Alachua County Housing Authority to administer the City's Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program through the Office on Homelessness (HPRP).
Attachments: 1. 090353_Agreement_20090917.pdf
Subrecipient Agreement with the Alachua County Housing Authority for the administration of the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (B)
This agenda item requests the City Commission to approve the execution of a Subrecipient Agreement for the Alachua County Housing Authority to administer the City's Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program through the Office on Homelessness (HPRP).
On May 7, 2009, the City Commission approved a second amendment to the FY 2008-2009 CDBG and HOME Program Annual Action Plan to incorporate the HPRP to provide financial assistance to reduce financial barriers preventing homeless individuals and families from obtaining permanent housing. These additional funds will be made available for continued financial assistance and other assistance to provide services such as rental assistance, security deposits, utility payments, case management, outreach, and legal services to homeless individuals and families in the City of Gainesville and Alachua County.
Since October 2006, an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Gainesville, Alachua County, and the Alachua County Housing Authority has continued for the operation of a local Office on Homelessness under the direction of the Alachua County Housing Authority.  This Interlocal Agreement provides for services related to implementation of the City of Gainesville-Alachua County 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness as jointly funded by the City of Gainesville and Alachua County. As a result of this partnership, City staff is recommending for the Alachua County Housing Authority via the Office on Homelessness to act as the Lead Agency for the purposes of administrating and implementing the HPRP funds as this will be the most efficient method to provide services as the main center for the HPRP.  Additionally, prior to developing the HPRP plan, City staff initiated discussions with the Alachua County Housing Authority staff, Office on Homelessness staff, the GRACE Marketplace and local Continuum of Care agencies staff to obtain their input. It was agreed that a collaborative approach would allow the best use of HPRP funds. As a result, it was mutually agreed upon that using a standardized approach countywide would minimize confusion, streamline program administration, and enhance equity in program delivery.
As a result, through the Office on Homelessness, the Alachua County Housing Authority will collaborate with agencies that are a part of the GRACE Marketplace and the local Continuum of Care to expand services to accommodate homeless families and individuals facing housing barriers. Clients will be referred within the network to agencies to obtain one-time access to these funds to insure project sustainability and maximum benefit for the client and continuum agencies.  The Alachua County Housing Authority will also coordinate with the Grace Marketplace and the local Continuum of Care agencies to use existing program guidelines established for housing assistance and temporary shelter and as required by the HPRP.  This collaboration will maximize stability for homeless families and individuals. The combination of these agencies resources and HPRP funds will provide a significant programmatic foundation to address the increasing needs of the homeless in our community. The goal of the program is to serve approximately 100-150 homeless persons or families over the 3-year grant period with a maximum financial assistance not to exceed $1,600 per household.
The City will receive a special allocation in the amount of $567,404 from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) for the administration and implementation of the HPRP. At present, this is one time HUD funding allocation covering a maximum 3-year period.  As required by HUD, the City must expend and draw down at least 60% of the funds within the first two years of the program and 100% within three years. To achieve this, the Alachua County Housing Authority has made the necessary arrangements to be ready to implement the HPRP at the time of contract execution.  The HPRP Subrecipient Agreement will be for a two (2) year contract period with an option to renew up to one additional year to cover the duration of the HPRP to meet HUD expenditure requirements. The City will reserve the right to reallocate the funds in the event that the Alachua County Housing Authority is not able to spend the funds according to schedule.
Fiscal Note
Under its direct allocation, the City plans to fund the following HPRP activities: $191,660 in rental assistance, security deposits, utility deposits, utility payments, moving cost assistance, and motel or hotel vouchers; $298,356 in relocation and stabilization services; $50,369 for the data collection and evaluation information for the HPRP; and $27,019 for administration (limited to 5% of allocation) for a total of $567,404 during the grant period. These budget line items may be amended from time to time as may be necessary to administer the HPRP in accordance with HUD regulations.
The City Commission approve the HPRP Subrecipient Agreement between the City of Gainesville and the Alachua County Housing Authority in the amount of $567,404 for a two year term with an option to renew up to one additional year to cover the duration of the HPRP to implement this program as set forth herein for the principal benefit of providing financial assistance, housing relocation and stabilization services to homeless individuals and families; and 2) authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement and other related agreements and documents for the expenditure of the HPRP funds, subject to review and approval by the City Attorney, as to form and legality.

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