Digital Camera Acquisition, Installation, and Five (5)-year Maintenance Agreement for the Downtown Plaza and Clock Tower (NB)
This item involves the appropriation and expenditure of $29,808 from the Federal Law Enforcement Contraband Forfeiture Trust Funds for the purchase of digital cameras and related equipment.
In recent years, the number of events at the Downtown Plaza has drastically increased, as has the number of citizens visiting the downtown area. With the increase in activities, the opportunity for the criminal element to prey on citizens has grown. In recent months, several significant incidents have occurred giving cause for concern for public safety. In October 2005, approximately 200 individuals were involved in a melee in the Downtown Plaza after the Homecoming Parade, when an expected concert did not materialize. In December 2005, Doris Bardon was injured when a suspect committed a strong arm robbery and stole her purse.
Under this proposal, five (5) digital cameras will be strategically mounted on existing superstructure of the Downtown Plaza and are designed to blend in with the framework so as not to be obtrusive. The cameras will monitor activity in the area of the Downtown Plaza, as well as the area surrounding the Clock Tower. The cameras will not be monitored but will hold data for thirty (30) days for retrieving in the event of a crime. The cost of the equipment is $19,728, with an additional $10,080 ($2,016/yr) for a five-year maintenance agreement. ADT Security Systems will provide the security camera system, along with the annual maintenance of the system. Pricing for the system is under the State of Florida State Purchasing Agreement # 6803163-PA.
Fiscal Note
Funds are available in the Federal Law Enforcement Contraband Forfeiture Trust Fund and are allowable per Federal 21 U.S.C. § 881, found in the U.S. Department of Justice "A Guide to Equitable Sharing of the Federally Forfeited Property for the State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies." The available balance in the account is $4,349,828.37.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission approve the appropriation and expenditure of $29,808 from Federal Law Enforcement Contraband Trust Forfeiture Fund for the purchase of a security camera system and five-year maintenance agreement and authorize the City Manager to execute any necessary documents, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality.
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission decline approval of proposal.
Alternative Recommendation B: The City Commission modify the proposal prior to approval.