Porters Oaks Fence (NB)
At the October 15, 2007 CRA meeting, Board members heard a presentation from staff regarding improvements to the Porters Neighborhood. One component of the proposed neighborhood improvements related the fence surrounding the Porters Oaks development. The fence is in poor condition and is both an eyesore and a potential security hazard (as it blocks the view of "eyes on the street.") Additionally the fence is situated along Depot Avenue and is quite prominent; its current condition conveys a negative image of the Porters neighborhood to the surrounding community. As a result, the CRA will replace the existing structure with a more attractive and safe fence. Presently, the existing fence runs along Depot Avenue from SW 3rd Street to SW 2nd Street. At 2nd Street, the fence turns the corner and proceeds along the western edge of that roadway as well. For the first phase of fence improvements, Staff plans to replace the section of fence that fronts Depot (roughly 500 linear feet.) This stretch of fence covers town blocks: from SW 2nd Street to 2nd Terrace, and from SW 2nd Terrace to 3rd Street. On the block between SW 2nd Street and SW 2nd Terrace, the existing fence currently runs over a City-owned lot and over a right-of-way easement. However, from SW 2nd Terrace to SW 3rd Street, the fence is situated on privately owned land: The Porters Oaks common space. Staff has met with Public Works staff and with the CRA Attorney and has determined that the best way to move forward would be to obtain a fence easement from the Porters Oaks Property Owners Association. This easement would allow permission for the existing structure to be removed, and the new fence to be installed. The easement will also outline maintenance responsibilities for the new structure. Staff has met with the Porters Oaks Homeowners Association, and they have expressed support for such an easement. In order to move forward with this item, staff recommends that the CRA request the City Commission obtain an easement for the section of the fence that will run from SW 3rd Street to SW 2nd Terrace, the portion of the fence along Depot Avenue that sits on privately owned land. Staff will coordinate with Public Works and the City Attorney's office.
Fiscal Note
Porters Neighborhood improvements were approved in the 2007 budget in the amount of $80,000 in account # 610-790-W231-5520. An additional, $131,502.29 has been approved in the 2008 budget.
CRA to the City Commission: Request that the City obtain an easement along the north side of Depot Avenue, between SW 3rd Street and SW 2nd Terrace; and along the western side of SW 2nd Street running north approximately 404 feet from the intersection with Depot Avenue.