Final Report of Northeast Park Stormwater Task Force (B)
The Task Force held seven meetings, with their final meeting being September 19, 2001. The Task Force appreciates the opportunity it has been given by the City Commission to bring together the community and the neighbors of Northeast Park to address stormwater concerns in the area of the park. After reviewing much information, it has become clear that there are, indeed, stormwater problems in the Sweetwater Branch basin. It has also become clear, however, that Northeast Park itself contributes only a minor percentage of the stormwater volume. The Task Force believes these issues should be resolved.
The Task Force has developed the following recommendations:
A. 1. Northeast Park is far too valuable to use for detention of stormwater coming from areas other than park property. Therefore, no part of Northeast Park should be used for this purpose.
2. In order to deal with stormwater quantity and quality issues generated from 16th Avenue properties, we recommend that the water in these ditches be diverted away from Northeast Park and the Popejoy property.
B. Option #1: The City purchase Kim Popejoy's property for a Northeast Park extension and address stormwater treatment needs there, with design input by the five (5) member Task Force-appointed design work group, and plan approval by the entire Task Force.
Option #2: (If the City will not purchase Popejoy property)
In the interest of good citizenship and environmental stewardship, the Task Force recommends that the City utilize the un-treed area on the south end of the soccer field, where a small ditch and swale already exist, in conjunction with a berm of the smallest size possible, to collect the run-off from the impervious area of Northeast Park. We ask that the five (5) member design work group, which has been elected by the Task Force, work with City engineers in the design of this stormwater facility. We ask that the Task
Force be reconvened to review and approve preliminary engineering plans for this facility, prior to acceptance of those plans.
Option #3: Although the Task Force prefers Options 1 and 2, as a far less desirable option, we recommend using sites # 8, # 4, and # 2 of sufficient size to improve stormwater runoff prior to discharge into Sweetwater Branch (see attached Exhibit "A"). We ask that the five (5) member design work group
which has been elected by the Task Force, work with City engineers in the design of these stormwater facilities. We ask that the Task Force be reconvened to review and approve preliminary engineering plans
for these facilities, prior to acceptance of those plans.
C. Due to the threat to the safety and welfare of the Northeast Park watershed and its associated neighborhoods we strongly recommend that the City pinpoint sources of fecal coliform bacteria feeding into the 2nd Street corridor and Sweetwater Branch and take immediate corrective action.
D. Due to the fact that the adjacent western watershed (i.e. Main Street and Northwest 10th Avenue area) contributes at least 80% of the water flowing into Sweetwater Branch, we recommend that the City takes decisive action in addressing and correcting the stormwater drainage problems that contribute to Sweetwater Branch, recognizing that flooding caused by the western watershed affects the Northeast Park watershed dynamics. We recommend the City investigate Sites "A" and "B" or similar solutions for correcting this problem (see attached Exhibit "B").
E. We recommend that the City adopt stronger redevelopment stormwater policies and regulations, especially in regard to Development Code Section 30-270(e), and instruct staff to work with existing businesses to identify opportunities to reduce the amount of impervious surface subject to stormwater run-off. We further recommend that the City offer incentives to existing businesses to provide adequate stormwater management facilities and to reduce the amount of impervious surface on their property in order to improve stormwater run-off quantity and quality.
F. We recommend that all major recreational facilities to be considered for Northeast Park should involve input and review by interested citizens, and that the following recommendations be forwarded to the Parks and Recreation Department:
1. At the next resurfacing of the tennis court parking lot, consider using a more pervious surface.
2. Add a water fountain in picnic area.
3. Add additional picnic tables and benches.
4. Add additional shade trees in playground area.
5. Add bicycle parking at the south end of the park.
6. Examine existing playground equipment using qualified experts, and bring the equipment and sites they occupy up to recognized safety standards.
7. Conduct a neighborhood and park user survey of the dog park's placement and viability in its current location.
8. Investigate the possibility of replacing the fencing in the dog run area with something more aesthetically acceptable, or the use of low-maintenance landscaping around the fenced dog run area, and perhaps in other areas of the park.
All of the above should be accomplished maintaining the aesthetic qualities of the park.
Fiscal Note
No funding impacts have been determined at this time.
The City Commission receive the Northeast Park Stormwater Task Force final report.