Update on Redevelopment Projects and Development Agreements (NB)
Staff has been asked to provide an update on several redevelopment projects and development agreements under review. This update is a sampling of the many projects underway by the CRA, and is not a complete list.
Organization Updates:
Staff is getting a final quote and scope for implementation of the website.
Development Agreements:
Gainesville Greens - Located at 104 Southwest 2nd Avenue. The developer is currently working towards attaining final site plan approval. The most significant outstanding issue relates to environmental concerns. The developer is working with the City of Gainesville Planning Department, CRA Staff, and Alachua County Environmental Protection in order to obtain approval for a foundation system that is both structurally safe and environmentally sound. Originally the developer had intended to construct a pad foundation system; however structural engineering indicates that a deep piling system will be required. The developer is working to provide a suitable foundation system that does not contribute to the spread of underground environmental contamination.
Hampton Inn/Lot 9 - The development agreement is being finalized.
University House on 13th Street - Located at the northeast corner of Northwest 13th Street and Northwest 7th Avenue. Staff is working on an interlocal agreement between the City Parks and Recreation Department, the school board, and the developer for improvements to the A. Quinn Jones School as part of their development agreement.
University Corners - Located on the west side of Northwest 13th Street between University Avenue and Northwest 3rd Avenue. The agreement is actively being worked on by Staff.
Project Updates:
Cotton Club - Located at 837 Southeast 7th Avenue. The Cotton Club Museum and Cultural Center Inc. has applied for a $350,000 grant from the Historic Preservation Board of Florida for stabilization of the Cotton Club.
Depot Avenue Overpass - Staff is currently writing the RFQ and design competition rules.
Depot Avenue Rail Trail - A Notice To Proceed has been issued to Glatting Jackson Design Inc. for construction documents, planning, design, and permitting services for improvement of the 1/4 mile section of existing trail.
Eastside Gateway (old Tacklebox) - Located at the intersection of West University Avenue and Hawthorne Road.
Zamia Design Landscape Architecture is preparing construction and bid documents for the Gateway project based on the design that the CRA approved in June 2007. The documents are at the 30% completion stage and input will be obtained from the Eastside redevelopment advisory board in September to finalize the plant materials and the planter design. Zamia Design expects to finish final construction and bid documents by early October. It is anticipated that the contractor will be selected around the end of the calendar year. CRA staff has communicated to the Florida Department of Transportation that the CRA wishes to close the existing sidewalks on the Gateway site. FDOT said it would review the sidewalk closure request.
Fifth Avenue/Pleasant Street Redevelopment Plan Update - In August 2004, the Fifth Avenue Pleasant Street Redevelopment Advisory Board approved $15,000 to fund an updated redevelopment plan. The current plan was revised in March of 1997 and has not received a major update since that time. A few years ago, Herbert Halback, Inc. (HHI) was hired to revise the FAPS Redevelopment Plan. A draft was completed in June 2005, but because of multiple staff changes and schedule setbacks, it was never presented to the CRA for approval. Staff is now bringing the updated plan back with additional changes. Staff integrated green building/energy efficiency language into the redevelopment plan drafted by HHI in 2005. In addition to green building, the draft plan outlines other objectives and initiatives to further redevelop and remove blight from the existing Community Redevelopment Area, including land acquisition and redevelopment, housing revitalization, historic preservation, public spaces, infrastructure improvements, funding, financing, management, and promotion. At the July 24, 2007 Fifth Avenue/Pleasant Street Advisory Board meeting, the Board unanimously approved the addition of Green Building language to the Redevelopment Plan. The Advisory Board will continue discussion of the Plan at their September 25, 2007 meeting.
Gainesville Responsible Hospitality Partnership - Staff continues to assist with the Gainesville Responsible Hospitality Partnership (GRHP), a coalition of local businesses, citizens, and student groups dedicated to providing safe, responsible, and enjoyable environments for the sale and consumption of alcohol. Fourteen bars have already joined the group by signing the voluntary Responsible Vendor Covenant. Along with GPD, GRHP will be hosting a nationally broadcasted webinar highlighting the innovative, nontraditional techniques used to fight crime and promote safety within the Downtown and College Park/University Heights hospitality zones.
Model Block House Site D - Located at 418 Northwest 4th Avenue. Carter Construction is in the remodeling process, which is 70% complete. There is a tentative completion date of October 2007.
NW 1st Ave. Sidewalk construction - City of Gainesville the Public Works Department completed construction of a 6 foot wide sidewalk along NW 1st Ave from the 1700 to the 1900 blocks with an estimated cost of $65,000.00.
NW Fifth Avenue Streetscape - The Request for Proposals has been released. A pre-bid has occurred. The bidder awarded the contract will have 30 days to start construction after the receipt of Notice to Proceed, then 90 days to complete the construction. The City Commission must approve the award contract.
Northwest 5th Avenue Tot Lot - Located at 1007 Northwest 5th Avenue. The Parks Division has taken down the chain link fence and ordered the equipment. Construction is expected this fall.
NW 17th Street Sidewalk Repair - A sidewalk condition survey of this street was carried out by the CRA and Public Works staff. There are problems with tree roots uplifting the surrounding pavers and causing tripping hazards for the general public. During the site meeting it was concluded that CRA should determine the repairs on case by case basis. Staff will negotiate with outside contractor to carry out repairs.
Renaissance Lights on University from Waldo to SE 15th Street - Since SR 20 and SR 26 are state roads; the Department of Transportation requires a permit application from the city, which is in process. The Renaissance lights have been ordered by GRU and will arrive in September 2007. Once DOT has finalized the permit, the removal of the concrete light poles will be scheduled, and construction will begin.
Southeast 7th Street Lighting - The project is almost complete.
Southwest 5th Avenue Triangle Streetscape - The project began on July 7, 2007, and construction work is progressing well. Ribbon curb concrete bands and brick wall constructions for the raised planters have been installed, and GRU has moved two existing light poles to their new proposed locations. The sub grade is now prepared, compacted, and installation of the brick clay pavers is complete.
Southwest 7th Avenue Improvements - The feasibility study carried out by Joe Montalto Jr. of JMJ Consulting Engineering is now complete and both CRA and Public Works Department staff have reviewed the study. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of utilizing the SW 7th Avenue Corridor for the treatment of stormwater. The stormwater potentially would be treated through an exfiltration system placed beneath the roadway on the north side of the street next to the curb and gutter. The system will cover a large area and will provide a solution to the lack of treatment basin in the area. The Public Works Department is covering the cost of professional services, upon completion of the analysis, a decision will be made by the Public Works Department and the CRA in conjunction with the Advisory Board views concerning the design component of the proposed roadway and parking improvements to SW 7th Avenue between 10th and 12th Streets.
Southwest 8th Avenue Streetscape Improvements - The Public Works Department are clustering this project with other roadway projects for the purpose of securing consulting services in accordance with State Statutes "Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act." (CCNA). This project has been given second priority at this time as the Public Work and Purchasing Department must address another project in which the City has entered into agreement. In addition, Public Work Department have rather tight schedule to get this done since multiple FDOT reviews are required, which further delay matters. Purchasing Department will assemble the document with all the required Federal references and coordination with the City Attorney. The Public Work Works Department is obligated to go through this process and have a design build firm/team under contract before the end of this calendar year. Construction works is envisioned to begin in June 2008. The project is to allow for new sidewalks and parking spaces between 10th and 12th Street, providing curb, gutter, sidewalk and parking spaces between 9th and 10th Street, and allowing for cross walks halfway between 10th -12th and 12th-13th Street.
University Avenue Improvements - CRA and the FDOT are refining language for the permit documents. Staff is beginning to arrange labor services with Public Works Operations and Solid Waste divisions for installing the streetscape items. Installation will be scheduled to minimize conflicts with the arrival of football season. Public Works is continuing with obtaining easements for bus shelters and benches along the right of way. Zamia Design Landscape Architecture has started the design of the roadway medians. CRA staff, Zamia Design and the FDOT District 2 Landscape Architect met on August 27th to review FDOT design requirements. Bellomo-Herbert is continuing with revising streetscape standards. On August 20th, the CRA approved moving forward with obtaining design services for a new bus shelter design. Staff is prepared to issue a Request for Qualifications for a designer.
Fiscal Note
None at this time.
Executive Director to the CRA: Receive update from staff.