Concept/Master Planning of the RTS Maintenance Facility (B)
This item involves a request for the City Commission to authorize contract negotiations with Wendel Duchscherer Architects & Engineers for Professional Design Services for the Concept/Master Planning of the RTS Maintenance Facility Renovations/Expansion.
On May 25, 2006, the City's Purchasing Division solicited Statements of Qualifications for Professional Design Services for the Concept/Master Planning of the RTS Maintenance Facility Renovations/Expansion. Six firms submitted responses on June 29, 2006. Staff evaluated the submittals and invited three of the responsive firms for interviews and to present their qualifications on September 8, 2006. The final ranking of the three firms is:
1st - Wendel Duchscherer Architects & Engineers
2nd - Gannett Fleming
3rd - Maintenance Design Group
Fiscal Note
Funding for the planning/concept design phase of this project has been allocated through Federal Transit Administration (FTA) section 5309 grants in the amounts of $226,710 and $90,972.
Recommended Motion: The City Commission: 1) accept the selection of the three most qualified design firms in the order of ranking; 2) authorize the City Manager to initiate contract negotiations with Wendel Duchscherer Architects & Engineers for Professional Design Services for the Concept/Master Planning of the RTS Maintenance Facility Project in accordance with the Consultants' Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA); and 3) authorize the City Manager, upon successful contract negotiations, to execute the Contract and any related documents, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality.
Alternative Recommendation A: The City Commission reject the recommended ranking and direct the City Manager to again Request Statements of Qualifications from design firms in accordance with CCNA. This would result in a project delay of approximately four months. The resulting fiscal impact will be the loss of invested time and resources in the current process, incurring additional costs to reopen the Request Statements of Qualifications process, and incurring additional project costs if material prices increase in the process.