Kelly Generating Station Contamination Assessment (B)
The Kelly Generating Station was established in Downtown Gainesville in 1912, and No. 6 Fuel Oil was used at the site from 1921 to present. In 1994, GRU through its own site monitoring activities, became aware of heavy, weathered oil occasionally seeping into the culvert that runs across the Kelly Plant (Sweetwater Branch Culvert). In 1995 a contamination assessment report was prepared to determine the origin of the weathered oil and the extent of soil impacts. Subsequent to the contamination assessment report, remedial actions were implemented in 1995 that have prevented further seepage of the weathered No. 6 Fuel Oil into Sweetwater Branch, and these actions remain successful in preventing additional seepage to Sweetwater Branch.
When the contamination assessment report was prepared for the Kelly site in 1995, and subsequently updated in 1996, the characterization was based on visual, olfactory, and soil gas data collected in the field. Since the original contamination assessment report was prepared, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) has adopted new standards that involve a detailed analytical approach to assessing soil impacts instead of the visual, olfactory, and soil gas approach utilized in the past.
GRU has proposed a number of remedial options to address soil impacts at the Kelly site, but the Alachua County Environmental Protection Department (ACEPD) has indicated they are unable to approve any proposed actions without additional contamination assessment consistent with current FDEP requirements. The ACEPD has requested that GRU install additional groundwater monitoring wells, collect and analyze additional groundwater samples, and perform soil analyses to assess the site in accordance with current standards.
Utilities Purchasing issued a Request or Proposal (RFP) to perform the additional contamination assessment at the Kelly site, as well as other activities that may be required including preparation of a remedial action plan, tank closure assessments, and miscellaneous environmental assessment activities. The RFP was sent to eight firms, with six firms responding. GRU staff evaluated the proposals based on a number of criterion including the qualifications of the firm and project personnel, relevant experience, project approach, and compensation. Based on this evaluation, GRU staff chose Golder Associates, the highest evaluated proposer, to perform the supplemental assessment and any of the other activities listed above as appropriate.
An evaluation tabulation is attached for your reference. The cost to perform the supplemental assessment proposed by Golder Associates is approximately $24,000. Additional tasks on the No. 6 fuel oil site and tank closure assessments are estimated to be $76,000 for a total of $100,000.
The City Commission authorize the General Manager, or his designee, to execute a contract with Golder Associates, Inc., for the performance of a supplemental contamination assessment at the Kelly Generating Station, in an area where Number 6 Fuel Oil soil impacts have been identified and the performance of additional similar activities as may be required, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality and approve the issuance of a purchase order to Golder Associates in an amount not to exceed $100,000.
Fiscal Note
GRU has funds available in the FY 2001/2002 approved budget for the performance of the work proposed.
Prepared by David Richardson, Senior Engineer
Submitted by Michael L. Kurtz, General Manager