Bid Award - Mobile Trailers for Hazardous Materials Response Team (B)
On July 12, 1999, the City Commission approved the North Central Florida Regional Hazardous Materials Response Team (NCFRHMT) Interlocal Agreement. The Interlocal Agreement designates Gainesville Fire Rescue (GFR) as the emergency response regional team for 11 counties in North Central Florida for the Local Emergency Planning Council (LEPC).
On June 28, 2001, the NCFRHMT was awarded two Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance Competitive Grants from the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management totaling $274,240. One grant, for $188,000, includes up to $145,000 to acquire five mobile trailers equipped with necessary equipment and supplies for responding to hazardous materials incidents, and up to $2,500 for conference presentation and office supplies. The other grant, for $86,240, includes up to $14,640 to acquire ArcView Software. All grant funds have been deposited with the City of Gainesville for expenditure on behalf of NCFRHMT.
On September 12, 2001, the City Manager executed an agreement between the NCFRHMT and the City of Gainesville for the City to purchase seven items including five mobile trailers for emergency incidents. The NCFRHMT grant reimburses the City of Gainesville for these purchases. All trailers and associated equipment purchased by the City on behalf of the Team will become the property of the Team.
Written quotes were received from six vendors of trailers with Cherokee Fabrication, Inc. submitting the lowest price of $26,000 for five trailers.
Fiscal Note
The Agreement provides that the NCFRHMT will reimburse the City up to $162,140 for the cost of the five trailers and equipment, ArcView Software, conference presentations, and office supplies.
The City Commission: 1) approve the issuance of a purchase order to Cherokee Fabrication, Inc. in the amount of $26,000 for five mobile trailers and equipment for hazardous materials incidents; 2) approve the issuance of any additional purchase orders needed for items to equip the trailers with such purchases to be in compliance with City purchasing regulations and within the funding provided in the grant.