Professional Landscape Architectural Services for Depot Park (B)
This item is submitted by the CRA, which is acting as the City's agent to develop Depot Park. City Commission approval is needed to affirm the landscape architect ranking, authorize the execution of the contract and approve the first work order under the contract.
Selection of the Landscape Architect: In December 2008, the CRA issued a request for statement of qualifications to obtain professional landscape architecture services for the park and recreation elements at Depot Park. Eight firms responded to the RFQ, and on February 5, 2009, CRA staff met to evaluate and rank their written proposals. The top three ranked firms were then invited to present their qualifications to the selection committee on February 19th. From these presentations, CRA staff ranked the firms in order of qualifications. The firms are, in order of ranking, Carol R. Johnson and Associates, IBI Group and Perkins+Will. On March 16, 2009, the CRA approved the selection of Carol R. Johnson and Associates (CRJA) as the park landscape architect.
Description of the contract: The CRA will manage the CRJA contract for the City. To streamline the management of the various stages of the park design, the CRA will authorize CRJA to begin each design phase via a work order under the master contract. The design stages consist of conceptual design revisions, schematic design, design development and construction drawings. Conceptual design will validate the park program, which consists of the list of needs and site opportunities that can later be developed into a physical form. Items that have been deleted from the site plan such as the skate park and new proposed projects such as the Cade Museum will be reflected in the revised concept. Schematic design is the stage where general design direction, character, and spatial definition are resolved. In the design development stage, materials, specifications, locations of features, and details start to become better defined. CRJA has nearly completed design and technical standards for the park, which will expedite this stage. In design development, cost estimates start to become more reflective of real world construction costs. In the final stage, construction drawings are developed and all details, dimensions, materials and specifications are finalized for bidding. The design process for Depot Park will incorporate all of these stages.
First Work Order: CRJA has submitted to the CRA Work Order Number One for design coordination and master planning services. This work order consists of such tasks as reviewing the original park concept, defining the program to reflect a realistic and true vision of the park, and creating a detailed master plan (including the Cade Museum) that will guide the remaining design stages. Two additional tasks have been included to coordinate with the Depot Building context area (design is in process through Bender and Associates) and to provide a detail for the completion of the stormwater pond design. CRJA will use this base plan to create an updated master plan, construction phasing plan, project design schedule, and order of magnitude cost estimates for each phase of the master plan. Completion of this work will enable CRJA to begin designing the general park environment and, in later stages, create construction drawings for the individual recreation projects. The objective is to prepare final construction drawings ready for bidding preliminary park elements by mid-2010.
CRJA has proposed a fee of $88,105 for Work Order Number One. An expense allowance of $8,345 is proposed for reimbursable expenses in addition to the professional fees for travel and accommodations. The fee includes all necessary meetings, teleconferences, coordination work with other consultants, coordination with city and CRA staff, design work, and preparation of reports and graphics. The total work order amount is $96,450.00.
Fiscal Note
Funding for design services is available in City accounts 115-800-X201 HUD EDI grant, 115-790-X150 Recreational Trails Program grant, 103-850-C350 Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) and 335-850-C350 2005 CIRB Funds for Depot Park.
The City Commission: 1) Approve the ranking of consultants; 2) Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with the top-ranked firm, Carol R. Johnson and Associates, and negotiate and approve any and all work orders issued pursuant thereto; 3) Approve Work Order Number One for design coordination and master planning services for Depot Park not to exceed $96,450.00.